King's Business - 1964-06


• once Send 257 Beggar Boys to City Relief Agencies ThL0RiiiA*TlMES 3/4 /64 ) len i 2 ^ t i 0p0]iten poUce offiK .;7* g? ars Packed up off the streets to the Seoul Municipal Orphanage port^iCtWUth° re' SOn h i th t an estimated the f e arS are still on the Seoul streets. There are,no facilities to accom modate them, the S reported. POUce


A MAN AND HIS BROTHER John 1:35-42 A. Andrew was one of the first two disciples. B. His action upon coming in con­ tact with Jesus should be an example. C. The logical inference is that unless we do act in a similar way, we have no abode with Jesus. I. Andrew Heard John Speak of Jesus. A. The place of preaching is im­ portant in the life of the dis­ ciple. B. John had spoken of Jesus as the Lamb of God and of the necessity for cleansing from sin. A. He had answered Jesus’ “ come” himself. B. His actions were the result of abiding with Jesus one day. C. What is our place religiously? 1. There are wrong attitudes on the part of some church members. a. Inferiority: material, so­ cial, etc. b. Superiority: religious. 2. We are in this community for a purpose. If not, let us close our doors. 3. We are saved to save others, but first w e must be saved. (Not by chance, but he went to him definitely for that purpose.) A. We cannot expect to sit and wait for the world to come to come to Christ. We must work. Christ. We must work. B. We too should begin by winning others at home. IV. He Told His Brother of Jesus. A. Jesus was the topic of his con­ versation. B. There needed be no “point of contact,” etc. C. He told him who Jesus is. V. He Led Simon Peter to Jesus. A. He was not content with merely telling. B. He actually brought him to the place where he could meet Jesus. C. It is not enough to tell folks of Jesus. We must lead them to place of decision. Conclusion Result of Andrew’s action can be observed and held as goals for our own efforts. II. He Followed Him. III. He Found His Brother.

The Need is DESPERATE! Such news from Seoul is typical of the tragic future facing Korean children all over the nation as a natural consequence of war and devas­ tating inflation. On top of a 25% unemployment

figure, a staggering TB rate, and low life expectancy . . . have been added the horrors of food shortages, hoarding and skyrocketing prices. The Korean Won has dropped in value from an official exchange rate of 130 to the dollar. . . to black market offers of 210! The newly-orphaned ranks grow at a frightening rate as disease and death of parents take their toll. . . and despondent adults commit suicide or abandon their children, casting these youngsters upon the mercies of a destitute society. Hundreds of such children await admission to C ompassion Homes. . . wait­ ing for funds from Americans to provide their support. These lovely children pictured below are among the more fortunate that have been taken into the atmosphere of Christian love in Homes staffed by Bible- believing Koreans. Now they eagerly await the privilege many of their play­ mates enjoy in regular correspondence with their American “Mom” and “Dad” . . . people like you who will become their sponsor and share the Lord’s bounti­ ful blessings that they might have hope. YOU CAN RESCUE A CHILD FOR 30c A DAY! Select a child from the group below and note his name in the coupon. For only 30c a day, $10 a month, you can be a sponsor. You will receive the child’s picture, known history and mailing address. If the child is too young, a housemother will write regularly. With thousands of other spon­ sors, you’ll find this one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

In Sook (A-l)

Soon Sim (A-2)

Hyung Yong (A-3)

Ja Hui (A-4)

Dong Kun (A-5)


Com (Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn.) Interdenominational, Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K64 7774 Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compastion of Canada, Ltd., Box SCO, Blenheim, Ontario omrnsm: Name Address City________________State_______________ Zip Code

CUP AND MAIL TODAY! Dr. Everett F. Swanson, Founder-Director □ I'd like to sponsor a Korean orphan. Send me a photo packet of 5 children with their his­ tories so that I may select one of my choice. I prefer Q Boy □ Girl______Age. With God’s help I will send $10 a month to COMPAS­ SION. I understand I may discontinue anytime. G I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help by giving $______Gifts of any amount are welcome . . . all are tax deductible. □ Please send folder "How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan."

JUNE, 1964


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