King's Business - 1964-06

(continued from page 7) certainly never intended by our founding fathers that a small minor­ ity should be able to shake its fist in the face of Almighty God and the nation and flount itself by ruling Him out of the affairs of men and the nation. But this is exactly what is taking place. This same minority group has just begun its God-defy­ ing, God-hating, God-denying pro­ gram. It is this group that is being aided and abetted by what we solemnly consider to be a very un­ fortunate attitude on the part of many servants of the Lord Jesus Christ who should be standing up and speaking out bravely for God and for righteousness in every phase of American life. To do less in this day, we believe, constitutes a modern betrayal o f the Lord whom we love and whom we seek to serve. One cannot escape the conviction that if there had been a united voice of protest on the part of all Protes­ tants, or even on the part of all con­ servative Protestants, against the decision of the Supreme Court, a re­ versal of the decision might have been easy. Laws might have been enacted by Congress which would so thwart the efforts of these destroy­ ers of our nation that they would have been hesitant to push their destructive program with anything like the fervor and zeal which they are now employing. The simple facts are that this is actually a life-and- death struggle. It is a struggle that will determine whether or not our children and our children’s children shall enjoy the American heritage which it has been our privilege to enjoy through the years or whether they will instead become the victims of an utterly godless, anarchistic ideology which is becoming more and more evident in almost every phase of our American way of life. The enemies of our country are in dead earnest about their business. We dare not go complacently on our way, with our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich, saying to our­ selves and to our fellows, “ All’s right with the world.” Desperate measures are being employed in the effort to destroy us. We too must take desper­ ate measures to save our land for ourselves and those who follow after us. God grant that we might be thor­ oughly awakened to the challenge of the hour!

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Evangelize India Now!£33 Mission dollars win far more souls to Christ when used to train nationals in thorough heart and head preparation. $10 a month pays for room and board for a student at Hindustan Bible Institute, Madras, India. Dr. William W. Orr, Dr. Hugh Murchison, Rev. Clinton Goodwin, Chairman of Board Vice-Chairman Treasurer

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Dr. N. Paul V. Gupta, President and Director, is available now for speaking engagements

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TROUBLE k — a tract for i h BOYS AND J G IRLS^ fl

Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.



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