King's Business - 1964-06

ppropriate gifts for GRADUATION and WEDDINGS

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As your young folks set out on this next phase of their life, be sure to select a gift that will have lasting value. Help them start out with the assurance of our Savior’s guidance along life’s pathway. You’ll find an outstanding selection of appropriate books and Christian literature (plus Bibles and other gifts) at the local Christian book­ store displaying this emblem. You’ll enjoy the friendly atmosphere as you browse . . . their helpful sugges­ tions when you seek ideas. Symbol of Service CHRISTIAN BOOKSELLERS A S SO C IA T IO N , INC. 5611 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, III. 60651

down in the depths of his sentient being. . . . He exists in a world of spiritual reality.” Describing his col­ lection, he states: “ The hymns and poems found here are mystical in that they are God-oriented; they begin with God, embrace the wor­ shipping soul, and return to God again.” While some ancient verse is in­ cluded, for the most part the book is composed of poetry from the 16th to the 19th centuries, the Golden Age of devotional literature. While a number of poems are familiar be­ cause they appear in our hymn books, many are not well known and their discovery will be a delight to the child of God. The two closing poems alone are worth the price of the book: the full nineteen stanzas of Anne R. Cousin’s “ In Immanuel’s Land” from which the hymn, “ The Sands of Time are Sinking” is de­ rived and “ The Celestial Country” by Bernard of Cluny (12th century) of which Dr. Tozer says: “ It is my opinion that nothing in the English language remotely compares with this in its beautiful sorrow for earth and its rapturous description of heaven.” Much labor and research have gone into this compilation which includes four helpful indices: subjects (in detail); first lines; authors and translators; and titles. 152 pages; black cloth with gold imprint; Chris­ tian Publications, Harrisburg, Pa. $3.00 — Reviewed by Betty Brue- chert. LECTURES TO YOUNG PREACHERS by George Henderson. 118 pages; cloth; B. McCall Barbour, Edinburgh 1, Scotland; 8/6. Revised edition of a charming little manual on the basic problems of the preacher in his personal and public life. THE GLORY IN THE MIDST by Faith Luce Hutcherson. 269 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas ■ City, Mo.; $2.95. According to the jacket review, "This book is something new under the stin — a Wesleyan holiness drama." Set in the form of fiction, it seeks to present problems of Christian experience, particularly at the points of salvation and sanctification as seen by "holiness" interpr6ters. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room , 560 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus , 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs w ill be sent upon request. BOOK ENDS______ (A Review of Current Publications)

The Reality of the Resurrection By Merrill C. Tenney The resurrection is peculiarly suited to provide the “ inherent principle or symbol by which the gospel can be defined without re­ sorting to extraneous forms” (p. 7). The resurrection marks the inter­ section of the temporal and eter­ nal worlds—both historical and su­ pernatural. It is at one and the same time the foundation for faith and the stumbling block of Skepti­ cism- Beginning with a chapter on the relevance of the doctrine, the au­ thor then examines pre-Christian ideas of resurrection, the record in the Gospels and the Acts, and then goes on to trace Paul’s theology of it. Then he adds the contributions of the other Epistles, and finally the crystallization of the credal state­ ments. The historical evidences are set forth in detail. The resurrection of the wicked is not bypassed, al­ though Dr. Tenney is not so clear on this, reminding us that a cur­ tain of silence has been drawn over this subject by the Bible itself. Per­ haps the truest understanding lies in the contrasting features of the two—the positive and negative as­ pects of the same phenomenon. There is a substantial bibliography and a good index. — 221 pages; cloth; Harper & Row, New York; $4.00. One of the last of Dr. Tozer’s many excellent c o n t r ib u t io n s to Christian literature, this superior volume compares favorably with the Oxford Book of Christian Verse and other valuable anthologies. In his introduction, the author explains his purpose: “ Everything here is for private devotion. . . . I had in mind the lone individual.” He explains what h'e means by “ the evangelical mystic” : “ His theology is no less and no more than is taught in the Christian Scriptures. . . . He differs from the ordinary orthodox Chris­ tian because he experiences his faith The Christian Book of Mystical Verse Selected and with an Introduction and Notes by A. W. Tozer

B I B L E T R A C T S by Evangelist Paul J. Levin Request especially "Riding the Religious Merry Go Round," "I'm Keeping the Golden Rule" and "Where Are The Dead?" BIBLE TRACTS, Inc. Box 508-K Waterloo, Iowa


Join us in our fight against fake ideolo­ gies in sending Christian literature to the missionaries. Tons o f literature is being sent by the ENEMY all over the world. Cam. we do less for Christ? Write to: LITERATURE for the MILLIONS, Inc. P.O. Box 677, Wichita^ Kan., U.S.A. 67201


A staff of eight dedicated Christian psycholo­ gists and professional counselors. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre-marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAM0RE, Director PHONE MU 1-5669 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 35 So. Raymond Pasadena, Calif.


JUNE, 1964

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