.A - e s Science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser Chairman, Science Division Biola College EARTHQUAKES
m SOUTH OMERICA CAMPAIGN... Goal—5 Million Gospels ° DISTRIBUTED TO DATE I GOAL TO GO 1,690,250 I 3,309,750
T he earthquake in Alaska was called “ one of history’s mighti est earthqaukes” by The New York Times. The Los Angeles Times re ported that the only previous earth quake of similar magnitude in North America occurred in Alaska in 1899. The intensity of the shock was rated at 8.2 on the Eichter scale at the siesmological laboratory in Berkeley, and at 8.9 in New York. This scale has no upper limit, but it is believed that no earthquake will register above 9. The strongest quakes re corded registered 8.9—in Japan in 1923 and in South America in 1906. Under a dateline of December 1, 1963, the leader of a Protestant de nomination announced a series, of meetings, with himself as principal speaker, to “ celebrate the end of plagues, earthquakes, war, union of churches, religions, and nations.” Although he quoted the Bible freely, he admitted that his assurance of the end of wars and earthquakes was not based upon Scripture but upon some prophecies made by Sir Isaac Newton, the mathematician, about the beginning of the 18th century. He has so much faith in Newton’s predictions that he is making a “million mile flight,” financed by missionary offerings, to announce “peace on earth.” The regrettable thing about all this is that it will bring a certain amount of disre pute to the Christian faith in the minds of some who do not under stand that his ideas about peace and earthquakes are not Scriptural. Al though the ecumenical movement is foretold in Scripture, it is to be de plored, for the Bible tells us that it will result in a corrupt nominally- Christian church. It might seem that this is merely a case of a person making a rash pre diction which turned out to be incor rect, but it cannot be excused in this manner. In his announcement he said that earthquakes came to a close with the devastating one that occurred in India in 1936. But only two months before his announce ment a disastrous quake occurred in Skoplje, Jugoslavia, and the year be fore that an estimated 10,000 people lost their lives in an earthquake in
Iran. Two years before that, one of the largest “ tidal waves” ever to hit Japan was caused by an earthquake along the coast of Chile. In fact, during the interval between the time that earthquakes were said to have come to an end and the date of his announcement of this supposed fact, a conservative estimate of 100,000 people lost their lives in earthquakes. The Alaskan earthquake occurred on Good Friday, and it brings to mind the earthquake that occurred on the day of the crucifixion. At this time the veil of the temple at Jerusa lem was torn from top to bottom. This veil closed the most holy place, where the high priest sprinkled sac rificial blood upon the mercy seat for the sins of the people. But the blood of animals cannot cleanse from sin, and these sacrifices were symbolic, looking forward to the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. The veil was rent to show that through the sacri fice of Christ all have access directly to the mercy of God. Many try to by pass the cross in coming to God, but this cannot be done. Without the shedding of blood there is no remis sion of sins. The earthquake at the time of the crucifixion has given an idea to some of those who try to explain away the supernatural acts of God. It has been suggested that during an after shock a fissure opened in the tomb, and the body of the Lord disappeared into this natural fissure. But this far-fetched hypothesis could not possibly be true, because when Peter and another disciple came to the tomb, they found the linen body- wrappings lying there. If the body of the Lord had disappeared by nat ural means, the linen wrappings would have gone too. Earthquakes bring death and de struction, but the one at the time of the crucifixion is associated with the resurrection to life of saints who came out of their graves after the resurrection of Christ and were seen by many in Jerusalem. But, best of all, it showed by the torn veil of the temple that all may have eternal life by accepting the sacrificial death of Christ upon the cross as being in their stead.
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Present Campaign Argentina 1 million Gospels
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JUNE, 1964
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