King's Business - 1964-06


I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen

Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

“ I rung the doorbell eight times but nobody answered.” “ I don’t think you should say ‘rung’,” Ardyth counselled. “ That doesn’t sound right.” “ Mama, should you say ‘I rung the doorbell’, or ‘I rang.’ ?” “ ‘Rang’ is correct, Mark. “ Oh boy! It seems as if I never use the right English. How come it’s so hard to learn to speak cor­ rectly?” “ I have asked this question at times myself. I have often de­ spaired when teaching grammar both in the classroom and at home. “Who made up the grammar rules, anyway? Whoever did made them too hard.” “ Rules of grammar have devel­ oped over a period of time anc through usage. Every ‘living lan­ guage’ has its rules which hold the language together as new words and meanings of words are added and enlarged.” “Well, why do some words need help? Why can’t they stand alone?” “ Honey, some words are just too ‘weak’ to stand alone. They remind me of people. They can’t stand alone, either. Because they are born with sinful natures, they need help out­ side themselves when temptations come. Who can and will give men help if they ask?” “The Lord Jesus.” “ The Bible says: ‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23). Suppose God should change His ‘rules’ and allow everyone to live according to his own weak and sinful standards, what kind of a world do you think we would have?” “ I guess it would be awful.” “ That’s right, Honey. Now I think you are beginning to see why in grammar and in life there must be ‘standards’. The prophet, Jere­ miah, said something both interest­ ing and true in this respect: ‘ . . . it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps’ (Jer. 10:23). When this is clear to us, and because we love Him, it will be joy to walk accord­ ing to God’s ‘rules’.”

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JUNE, 1964

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