King's Business - 1964-06


Dr. Theodore H. Epp, founder and director of the Good News Broad­ casting Association, celebrates a

Rev. Norman Cummings of Overseas Crusades in Palo Alto, California, has been elected president of The Evangelical Foreign Missions Asso­ ciation. Other incoming officers are Rev. Lester Westlund, foreign secretary of the Evangelical Free Church, vice- president; Rev. Ralph Isbill, foreign secretary of the Open Bible Church, secretary; and Bishop Henry Hostetter, Jr., missions secretary of the Breth­ ren in Christ Church, treasurer. Rev. H. Raymond Florence, overseas director for the Child Evangelism Fellowship, International, r e p o r t s that 44 new missionaries were ap­ pointed to foreign service during re­ cent years and that most of these have reached their fields. There are now 160 missionaries serving in 55 countries under ICEF. Hal Cocanower, Director of Litera­ ture for the Latin America Mission, is pictured below with a display of the new closely graded Spanish Sun­ day school lessons. On his left are Gospel Light Publications in Eng­ lish and on his right are publications in Spanish. The new Spanish cur-

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quarter of a cen­ tury of continuous b r o a d ca s tin g by “ Back to the Bi­ ble” th is month. Founded in 1939, in Lincoln, Nebras­ ka, the Association is inter-denomina­ tional, non-sectari­ an in character. Its


^ A New Paper for Junior-Primary Pupils

Dr. Epp central mission is devoted to a four-pronged effort of Evangelism, M is s io n s , Literature, and Bible Correspondence Courses. J. Raymond Knighton, executive di­ rector o f Christian Medical Society, has announced the First Latin Amer­ ica Congress on Christian Medicine to be held next month in Quito, Ecuador. In attendance will be medi­ cal and dental missionaries, physi­ cians and dentists in private prac­ tice, dispensary nurses, hospital ad­ ministrators, medical and dental stu­ dents, mission society administrative personnel and physicians and den­ tists from outside Latin America. Topics to be considered will be “ The Place o f Medicine in Presenting the Gospel in Latin America” ; “ Dispen­ saries vs. Hospitals — Where Should the Emphasis Be?” , among many others. Dan Piatt, director of th e Billy Graham Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair, is pictured below with George M. Wilson (right), executive vice president of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Together they examine a model of the pavilion at the Association’s headquarters. The globe at the right stands in the

Entirely new in make-up and content, T R E A SU R E w ill bring the best in Christian character building material to your primary and junior age children. Large, clear type, colorful illustrations, short stories, Bible readings, and expo­ sitions at the children’s level of Bible verses and passages. TREASURE is a monthly paper in weekly 4-page parts, size 8 Vi x 11. Single copy $2.00 a year; $1.20 a year or 30 cents a quarter for 3 or more copies. Free samples.


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“ChristianYouth” Refre hi gly New Cover-to-Cover

riculum'has been produced over the past year in a joint effort by Latin America Mission and GLINT (Gos­ pel Light International). The les­ sons go into use among Spanish speaking churches in the United States in October and in Latin Amer­ ican churches in January. Waller Herron, pioneer of mission­ ary aviation in Bolivia, died at the controls of his Cessna 180 high in the Andes mountains on March 7. Mr. Herron had labored in the tropi­ cal northern provinces of the Beni in Bolivia with the Bolivian Indian Mission for over 30 years. He was one of the best-known missionaries in Bolivia. In recognition of his sac­ rificial labors of love and service, the Bolivian Government decorated him in 1961 with the highest honor it can bestow upon a foreigner, “The Con­ dor of the Andes.”

This well-known take-home paper for Intermediate through A dult Depart­ ments has been completely re-designed and revised. You’ll like the new pocket size (5V4 x 7), blacker type, colorful il­ lustrations, challenging editorial content. $1.00 a year for 3 or more copies (single copy $1.15). 25 cents a quarter for 3 or more copies. Sample copies on request to Dept. KT64 American ,J Sunday-Schol union 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

lobby of the pavilion. Revolving slow­ ly, it shows 175 cities around the world in which the evangelist has held Crusades in the past 15 years and the more than 900 cities from which the “ Hour of Decision” broadcast is heard weekly.



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