Dr. Theodore H. Epp, founder and director of the Good News Broad casting Association, celebrates a
Rev. Norman Cummings of Overseas Crusades in Palo Alto, California, has been elected president of The Evangelical Foreign Missions Asso ciation. Other incoming officers are Rev. Lester Westlund, foreign secretary of the Evangelical Free Church, vice- president; Rev. Ralph Isbill, foreign secretary of the Open Bible Church, secretary; and Bishop Henry Hostetter, Jr., missions secretary of the Breth ren in Christ Church, treasurer. Rev. H. Raymond Florence, overseas director for the Child Evangelism Fellowship, International, r e p o r t s that 44 new missionaries were ap pointed to foreign service during re cent years and that most of these have reached their fields. There are now 160 missionaries serving in 55 countries under ICEF. Hal Cocanower, Director of Litera ture for the Latin America Mission, is pictured below with a display of the new closely graded Spanish Sun day school lessons. On his left are Gospel Light Publications in Eng lish and on his right are publications in Spanish. The new Spanish cur-
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quarter of a cen tury of continuous b r o a d ca s tin g by “ Back to the Bi ble” th is month. Founded in 1939, in Lincoln, Nebras ka, the Association is inter-denomina tional, non-sectari an in character. Its
^ A New Paper for Junior-Primary Pupils
Dr. Epp central mission is devoted to a four-pronged effort of Evangelism, M is s io n s , Literature, and Bible Correspondence Courses. J. Raymond Knighton, executive di rector o f Christian Medical Society, has announced the First Latin Amer ica Congress on Christian Medicine to be held next month in Quito, Ecuador. In attendance will be medi cal and dental missionaries, physi cians and dentists in private prac tice, dispensary nurses, hospital ad ministrators, medical and dental stu dents, mission society administrative personnel and physicians and den tists from outside Latin America. Topics to be considered will be “ The Place o f Medicine in Presenting the Gospel in Latin America” ; “ Dispen saries vs. Hospitals — Where Should the Emphasis Be?” , among many others. Dan Piatt, director of th e Billy Graham Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair, is pictured below with George M. Wilson (right), executive vice president of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Together they examine a model of the pavilion at the Association’s headquarters. The globe at the right stands in the
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riculum'has been produced over the past year in a joint effort by Latin America Mission and GLINT (Gos pel Light International). The les sons go into use among Spanish speaking churches in the United States in October and in Latin Amer ican churches in January. Waller Herron, pioneer of mission ary aviation in Bolivia, died at the controls of his Cessna 180 high in the Andes mountains on March 7. Mr. Herron had labored in the tropi cal northern provinces of the Beni in Bolivia with the Bolivian Indian Mission for over 30 years. He was one of the best-known missionaries in Bolivia. In recognition of his sac rificial labors of love and service, the Bolivian Government decorated him in 1961 with the highest honor it can bestow upon a foreigner, “The Con dor of the Andes.”
This well-known take-home paper for Intermediate through A dult Depart ments has been completely re-designed and revised. You’ll like the new pocket size (5V4 x 7), blacker type, colorful il lustrations, challenging editorial content. $1.00 a year for 3 or more copies (single copy $1.15). 25 cents a quarter for 3 or more copies. Sample copies on request to Dept. KT64 American ,J Sunday-Schol union 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
lobby of the pavilion. Revolving slow ly, it shows 175 cities around the world in which the evangelist has held Crusades in the past 15 years and the more than 900 cities from which the “ Hour of Decision” broadcast is heard weekly.
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