Consists of those who desire to be faithful stewards in B IO LA 's m inistry. T heir stewardship con sists o f regular support o f the G EN E R A L, RAD IO , or M IS S IO N A R Y funds. THE SPONSORSHIP PLAN A n y friend w h o designates $ 2 0 0 .0 0 a year fo r student training becomes a "Student- Sponsor" and likew ise a partici pant in the training o f volun teers for worldwide service for Christ. THE CHRISTIAN'S WILL M an y people intend to remem ber B IO LA in their w ills, but many procrastinate, w ith fre quent resultant losses to the Lord's work. A n inquiry to our office w ill bring information. THE INVESTMENT INCOME Those who want to give a part o f their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regular dividends, find this plan ade quately meets th eir needs. THE TRUSTEE ACCOUNT Preferred by some w ith Savings and Loan accounts. Donor, con sidered a trustee for B IO LA , is in complete control while living. A t death, the remaining balance goes to BIOLA.
THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LA ., Inc. 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES 17, CALIFORNIA I am interested in: I D T H E B IO LA FELLOW SH IP □ T H E SPONSORSHIP P L A N | ( 3 T H E IN V E S T M E N T IN COM E □ T H E C H R IS T IA N S W IL L r □ T H E TRUSTEE A C C O U N T Name .................................... ................_ Address .............................. ............................ C ity ........................................ Zone.......
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