King's Business - 1964-06

Consists of those who desire to be faithful stewards in B IO LA 's m inistry. T heir stewardship con­ sists o f regular support o f the G EN E R A L, RAD IO , or M IS ­ S IO N A R Y funds. THE SPONSORSHIP PLAN A n y friend w h o designates $ 2 0 0 .0 0 a year fo r student training becomes a "Student- Sponsor" and likew ise a partici­ pant in the training o f volun­ teers for worldwide service for Christ. THE CHRISTIAN'S WILL M an y people intend to remem­ ber B IO LA in their w ills, but many procrastinate, w ith fre­ quent resultant losses to the Lord's work. A n inquiry to our office w ill bring information. THE INVESTMENT INCOME Those who want to give a part o f their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regular dividends, find this plan ade­ quately meets th eir needs. THE TRUSTEE ACCOUNT Preferred by some w ith Savings and Loan accounts. Donor, con­ sidered a trustee for B IO LA , is in complete control while living. A t death, the remaining balance goes to BIOLA.

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LA ., Inc. 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES 17, CALIFORNIA I am interested in: I D T H E B IO LA FELLOW SH IP □ T H E SPONSORSHIP P L A N | ( 3 T H E IN V E S T M E N T IN COM E □ T H E C H R IS T IA N S W IL L r □ T H E TRUSTEE A C C O U N T Name .................................... ................_ Address .............................. ............................ C ity ........................................ Zone.......


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