Cults (continued from page 20) of Mormonism, the o th e r side, murals portraying our Blessed Lord! At the end of this room, in life-size proportions, is a portion of forest with a life-size' k n e e lin g figure, Joseph Smith and the “ pillar of light.” A narrator recounts the story to the gathered visitors. One turns away from this scene with a silent prayer that God may spare these listeners from Mormon-ensnarement. The theme is “ Man’s Search For Happiness,” and the visitor is given a pamphlet, “ Joseph Smith’s Testi mony” along with an invitation card to write for further information, a free correspondence course or a per sonal representative to call. “ To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa. 8:20). Circling the Fair, one finds the Christian Science Pavilion, also nice- TWIN PINIONS The soaring bird must have two wings for flig h t . . . Should one be broken, it falls easy prey T o earth, or sea, and grievous is its plight, Its joyous buoyancy quite shorn away. The Soul, too, has twin pinions; Praise and Prayer . . . Should either fail, it cannot take its way, O r — lest it mend — the heavenly blessings share. ly landscaped, with an air of “ quiet” surrounding it and the reading room in a separate building which the visitor is invited to enter upon leav ing the main Pavilion. The atmos phere of “ quiet” is even more pro nounced upon entering this Pavilion with its orderly displays predomi nately setting forth Mary Baker Eddy and her teachings. The visitor is given a small booklet “ Facts about .Christian Science” which b o ld ly states “ . . . Christian Science is wholly rooted in Christianty” while denying the Christ of the Bible, without Whom there is no Chris tianity. “ Whosoever tr a n s g r e s s e th , and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God” (II John 9). It is quite impossible to visit the Cults at the Fair and not leave with out a prayer for grace to renew one’s efforts, under God’s guidance, in ear nestly contending for the faith once delivered, amidst such Christ-dis honoring and Christ-rejecting teach ings as depicted by the foregoing.
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