a message from the editor
BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND PRESIDENT, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. A r r ' i c a ■ h e . A COUNTRY GOING MERRILY ON ITS W AY T JL h e r e c a m e t o the desk o f the editor recently a letter ad dressed to a Christian tract-distribution organization. It was sent over the signature o f the Vice-President o f the Free-Thought Society o f America, Inc., with headquarters in Baltimore, Mary land. It is this Free-Thought Society which publishes The Ameri can Atheist Magazine. The letter, dated February 14, 1964, follows: "Gentlemen: One o f our members sent us a tract that your oragnization is passing out titled, 'A National Emergency’ ! Buddy, you ain’t seen nothing yet! This is more than an emer gency for you superstitious neanderthals. You are absolutely cor rect, we fully intend to destroy superstition (the Bible) in the United States o f America once and for all. We threw super stition (the Bible) out o f the schools, next we will throw the chaplains off the battleships, and we will teach American chil dren that Tyrannosaurus was not on Noah’s ark! The exploita tions o f sex by the church is another era that has passed! Defiant ly.” (signed by the Vice-President). The following poem is an imprint on the official letterhead o f this organization titled, "In God We Trust”— On coins and stamps, "In God We Trust”— To fool little children it is a must. But if we had no men to fight, N o Army, Navy, Airplane might, We’d trust old Jehovah and Mary hail As far as we could throw a bull by the tail. Here is but another in a long list o f examples o f the dedicated determination o f this element in American society to eliminate God in every facet o f American life. When the issue came up a few months ago concerning the elimination o f the Bible and all references to Christianity from public schools, there were an appreciable number o f earnest Bible-believing Christian leaders who warned that this was only the beginning o f a determined effort to stamp out all reference to God in every area o f Ameri can life. But, also, those voices were shouted down by the great
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