King's Business - 1964-06


a message from the editor

BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND PRESIDENT, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. A r r ' i c a ■ h e . A COUNTRY GOING MERRILY ON ITS W AY T JL h e r e c a m e t o the desk o f the editor recently a letter ad­ dressed to a Christian tract-distribution organization. It was sent over the signature o f the Vice-President o f the Free-Thought Society o f America, Inc., with headquarters in Baltimore, Mary­ land. It is this Free-Thought Society which publishes The Ameri­ can Atheist Magazine. The letter, dated February 14, 1964, follows: "Gentlemen: One o f our members sent us a tract that your oragnization is passing out titled, 'A National Emergency’ ! Buddy, you ain’t seen nothing yet! This is more than an emer­ gency for you superstitious neanderthals. You are absolutely cor­ rect, we fully intend to destroy superstition (the Bible) in the United States o f America once and for all. We threw super­ stition (the Bible) out o f the schools, next we will throw the chaplains off the battleships, and we will teach American chil­ dren that Tyrannosaurus was not on Noah’s ark! The exploita­ tions o f sex by the church is another era that has passed! Defiant­ ly.” (signed by the Vice-President). The following poem is an imprint on the official letterhead o f this organization titled, "In God We Trust”— On coins and stamps, "In God We Trust”— To fool little children it is a must. But if we had no men to fight, N o Army, Navy, Airplane might, We’d trust old Jehovah and Mary hail As far as we could throw a bull by the tail. Here is but another in a long list o f examples o f the dedicated determination o f this element in American society to eliminate God in every facet o f American life. When the issue came up a few months ago concerning the elimination o f the Bible and all references to Christianity from public schools, there were an appreciable number o f earnest Bible-believing Christian leaders who warned that this was only the beginning o f a determined effort to stamp out all reference to God in every area o f Ameri­ can life. But, also, those voices were shouted down by the great

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