volume o f verbiage that went up from the vast majority o f Protestant pulpits to the effect that the Supreme Court was quite right in its decision, in effect, to ban the Bible and all references to Christianity from the public schools o f our land. Even many ministers who profess to believe the Bible to be the Holy Word o f God from cover to cover and who preach an acceptable Gos pel message, aligned themselves with the out-and-out modernists, the Unitarians and this “ free-thinker” element which infests our country and very piously concluded that it was unconstitutional for the Bible to be read or referred to in the public schools. I f that was all these atheists were after, namely the elimination o f Bible reading from the public schools, it would be bad enough. But that is just the beginning. And the tragic part o f it is that these so-called Bible-believing ministers and religious leaders who have sided with the atheistic position in this regard, by every law o f logic, must continue to go along with them in the elimina tion o f all references to God in all other facets o f American public life. When our Lord was here upon the earth in the flesh at least He was betrayed by His enemies. The modern betrayal o f Jesus Christ is made by His self-styled friends. We would naturally expect His enemies to treat Him thus. But it is most difficult to get over the shock o f seeing Him betrayed today in His own house. One would think that surely these otherwise acceptable Christian brethren would recognize the error o f their ways and make every effort to undo the damage that they themselves have helped to create. It is most regrettable indeed, however, that we have not seen any trend in this direction. It is sad, but true, that there still seems to be the attitude on the part o f many people that “ it cannot happen here.” But, alas, it is happening here — and right now. These free-thinkers at the moment are a relatively small minority o f the American public. But they are organized, out spoken and dedicated to the job that they have set for themselves to accomplish. The Bolsheviks at the time o f the Russian revolu tion were a small minority group. But they, too, were organized, dedicated and outspoken in their convictions and program, and today we witness a great country that has fallen into the clutches o f this godless minority group. The evidence is so overwhelming that it seems everyone should realize that our own beloved land is succumbing to this same type o f rule by a ruthless minority group, and we philosophize and quibble and argue over proper protective measures to avoid this downfall and, as a result, nothing is done to halt it. We need to remember that our founding fathers came to this country to establish a nation with freedom to worship God according to the dictates o f one’s individual conscience. And it was an accepted principle, furthermore, that the majority should rule on all matters o f civic, moral and political import! It was (continued on page 34)
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JUNE, 1964
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