Pittman_Aging Adult

As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to certain health risks. Our bodies begin to notice the “wear and tear” that has developed throughout the years, causing us to slow down and putting us at risk for health conditions. Luckily, physical therapy can help soothe some of the health conditions that your body may experience with age. If you are looking for pain relief, Pittman Physical Therapy can help! Call our office today for more information.

WE LIVE IN CRAZY TIMES. The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Do we live in some crazy times or what? A few weeks ago, getting back to normal, then BAM. Delta Variant time. My kids have already been sent home from contact tracing and put in quarantine. At the clinic, we are still cleaning like crazy, wearing masks, all therapists are vaccinated. We are taking extra precautions to keep everyone safe. My wife, Hope, looked at me the other night and said, “I just want this to go away!” All I can say is “AMEN!” I really want to go through a drive thru and not have to wait 20 minutes, go to a sit down restaurant and be able to get a table, get my car fixed within 3 weeks. People need to safely go back to work. I promise I will not get political. That is all I have to say about that. My personal household has been crazy aswell. We got Stone off to Alabama. We spent 2 days getting his dormroomall set up and since then, I haven’t talked to himbut two times. He is going through rush and they are keeping him really busy. Stone has to be at the Fraternity house every day at 8 amto take care of a dog. He says that his classes are the easiest part of college so far. Rush is only 8 weeks. I am excited to hear all about it when he can get time to call me. Football iswide open at theHigh School. Foster is awide receiver and is running a lot. He is also one of the sweatiest people that I know. He gets in the car after practice and is just soakingwet. Class is going great for him, but he has always been “that kid” that just gets his stuff done. That is how I was in school. Not the smartest

student, but I didmywork... on time and studied. He is also playing baseball this fall but there are very few practices while football is going on. Over the summer, Foster becamemymost social kid. My evenings were spent with drop offs and pick ups every night. He has a GREAT group of friends. Brinkley gets to start her solo this month for dance. She is so excited. She has been really busy the last few weeks doing a bedroom makeover. Since Sophie moved out, Brinkley stole her bed. She rearranged everything and made her room a little slice of heaven. A lot of earthy things that make it peaceful. She just turned 13. She is my last teenager. Man, I am getting some greys. Soph has been working all over the place. Her weeks off get cut short every timewith a phone call to fly somewhere for something. You can see her on your tv set in a background role right now on Netflix. She is in the movie “He’s all that”. She is working really hard to get into the speaking parts but it is a process. For now, there is a lot of dancing andmodeling. I will keep you posted. You may see a close up of her eyes in Sephora on the Two Faced brand. I have some big news, but that will come next month. In Health, Jeremy

The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body



How Physical Therapy Can Treat Common Health Risks in People Over 60 HYSICAL THERAPY h pelvic floor physical therapy is not a “new” specialty, it is unknown to many and underserved in most he majority of people with a pelvic floor dysfunction do not know that heir condition can be treated surgical intervention, which is where pelvic physical therapists can be valuable. Pelvic floor physical is a specialty that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of the pelvic floor as well as various ns of the pelvis, abdomen, hips, and low back.

while 77% experience at least two. Themost common chronic diseases are diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. • Cognitive health issues. These types of health risks impair one’smemory,making it difficult to remember and recall as easily as they used to, in addition to hindering the ability to learn new things. The most common cognitive health issue is dementia, affecting approximately 47.5 million people worldwide. • Physical injury. Did you know that a senior citizen is admitted to the hospital due to a harsh fall every 15 seconds? Aging causes bones to shrink and muscles to lose their strength, making it more common for us to lose our balance and injure ourselves aswe age. Harsh falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults. • Malnutrition. Malnutrition in older adults is very common, but often undiagnosed. It typically stems from other health issues, such as dietary restrictions, minimal appetite from limited physical activity, or a cognitive disease causing one to forget to eat. • Incontinence/constipation. These are also both very common health conditions faced by other adults, but they oftentimes go undiagnosed due to embarrassment from the patient. Incontinence and constipation can sometimes stem from an underlying health condition. Article Continues Inside >> 901-850-5246 Constipation Pressure or a sense of “falling out” in your pelvis Tailbone pain Abdominal or low back pain Pain around the vaginal opening or vulva Painful or sensitive scar Call Pittman Physical Therapy TODAY!

The pelvic floor muscles, which are skeletal muscles just like tho e in your a ms and legs, are located at the bottom f your pelvis. These m scles are shaped l k a hammock and are always active in order to function properly. Their job is to support your pelvic rgans (bladder, urethra, uterus, rectum), maintain bladder and bowel continence, aid in sexual health, pump lymphatic fluid, and provide postural support.

As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to certain health risks. Our bodies begin to notice the “wear and tear” that has developed throughout the years, causing us to slow down and putting us at risk for health conditions. Luckily, physical therapy can help soothe some of the health conditions that your body may experience with age. If you are looking for pain relief, Pittman Physical Therapy can help! Call our office today for more information. What should I look out for? Aging can certainly seem daunting, as it brings with it a slew of possible health issues. Senior citizens account for 12%of theworld’s population, so it is important to know what challenges to look out for when you begin to reach age 60 and above. Some common health issues people face as they age include: • Chronic disease. The National Council on Aging states that 92% of senior citizens experience at least one chronic disease,

uscles can become irritated, damaged, overactive, or underactive. As a resu , they may not function Dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles can result from various sources uch as trauma, childbirth, changes, stress, surgery, and many, many more. Pelvic floor dysfunction can manifest into different ms whic may interfere with everyday activities. Some symptoms may resolve on their own, while others r months to years.

Pain during or after i tercourse Pain or difficulty urinating Urinary leakage during activitie such as coughing, sneezing, or jumping Frequency or urgency with bladder/bowel movements Bowel leakage

eople are told that leaking urine while they r laugh is nor al, especially aft r th. Although these symptoms are n, they are not normal. Pelvic health l therapists are specially trained to treat ypes of symptoms as well as various If you are experiencing any of the g symptoms, you may benefit from ng a pelvic health physical therapist:

oor physical therapy is so much more than just performing kegels. Your physical t will provide you with an individualized, holistic treatment approach that focuses fying the cause of your symptoms in order to provide lasting results. Some of eatment techniques may include manual therapy, bladder retraining, breathing, quiz to see if you would benefit from a pelvic floor Physical Therapist>>> Scan this code to take a quick quiz to see if you may benefit by seeing a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. Scan The QR code to take a quick

<< Continued From Previous Page How can I avoid these common health risks?

There are some preventativemeasures that you can take on your own to try and avoid some of these health conditions; however, sometimes the aid of a professional becomes necessary. Physical therapy treatments are a safe, healthy, and easy way to correct some of these conditions and prevent your risk of developing them. Some simple ways to avoid these health risks are: For prevention of chronic disease – obesity, poor diet, and lack of physical activity are the main culprits leading to chronic disease. • On your own, you can make it a habit of making healthy meals, making sure to add in all balanced food groups. You can also take a small portion out of your day to participate in physical activity, within reason. Even something as small as walking down the block can make a big difference. • With a physical therapist, you canwork together to create a physical exercise plan, tomake sure you’re gaining asmuch physical activity as you can throughout theday.Many physical therapy practices alsohave nutritionists who can set up ameal plan for you, tomake sure you’re getting the nutrients that you need andmaintaining a healthyweight. For prevention of cognitive health issues – exercise is one of the best steps you can take in order tomaintain healthy cognitive health. • On your own , you canmake it a habit to exercise daily, within reason. Exercise is mentally stimulating and it helps keep you sharp! • With a physical therapist , you canwork together to create a treatment plan that works for you. Thiswill include treatment-specific exercises, aimed at increasing cognitive health, and they may be paired with strength and flexibility training to help prevent other health issues. For prevention of physical injury – the most common cause of physical injury is weak bones, joints, and muscles. • On your own, you can try toparticipate in strength-training exercises to prevent bones frombecoming brittle. It is also important tomaintain a healthy diet, making sure you have a sufficient protein and calcium intake, in order to help with bone strength. • With a physical therapist, you can get assistance with strength and flexibility training, having your PT create a specialized plan for you. Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are some of the leading causes of frailty. If you suffer from one of these conditions, your physical therapist can create a treatment-specific exercise plan for you. These excises will be done with your physical therapist, to make sure they are being completed correctly and safely. Your physical therapist may also suggest at-home exercises for you to do. He or she may also suggest another form of treatment, such as aquatic therapy, in order to increase muscle strength and ease discomfort.

For prevention of malnutrition – poor diet is the cause of malnutrition, but it can stem from other underlying issues. • On your own, you can try tomaintain a healthier diet bymaking sure you get a sufficient intake of all food groups. Even small dietary changes, such as increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, and decreasing your salt and saturated fat intake can make all the difference. You can also try to make sure you eat three meals a day, even if it means creating reminders for yourself. Exercise can also help increase appetite, which can make eating a meal easier. • With a physical therapist, you can create a nutritionalmeal plan based on your needs. This will help you figure out exactly what you should be eating, what you should avoid, and what you may need more of. Your physical therapist may also suggest other physical treatments in order to increase appetite and/or maintain cognitive health. For prevention of incontinence/constipation – this condition can be caused by an underlying condition, but themost common reason it goes untreated is due to embarrassment. • On your own, youcanattend your annual physicals. First and foremost, attending yearly physicals and being honest with your doctor, no matter howembarrassed youmay feel, is the best way to treat or avoid this condition. There aremany treatments available, but your doctor can’t suggest any of them if he or she doesn’t knowwhat’s going on. • With a physical therapist, you canwork together to create a treatment plan that will correct this condition. Many physical therapists will performpelvic floor therapy to treat incontinence or constipation, and the results are resoundingly successful with most patients. If you are suffering from some of these health conditions, or you think youmight be, give our team at Pittman Physical Therapy a call today at 901- 850-5246. We’ll be more than happy to schedule a consultation with you and discuss howwe can help treat someof these conditions. Agingdoesn’t have to be as daunting as it seems – our physical therapists can help you maintain your highest quality of life!

901-850-5246 Call Us Today!

Post-COVID Recovery

Are you, or is someone you know experiencing residual effects after having COVID-19? Physical Therapy can be instrumental in long-termCOVID recovery. Pittman Physical Therapy can help patients during recovery fromCOVID-19 through the following types of training and exercise programs: • Balance and gait training • Upper and lower body strengthening exercises • Breathing exercises to increase lung function and capacity • Aerobic exercise and reconditioning for improved pulmonary health • Stretching • Endurance training • Manual therapy • Screening for other conditions that could be caused as a result of COVID-19

We will miss you!!!!

We are sad and excited for our friend Tessa. She has been a huge part of our team over the past 3 years helping us serve our patients at the highest level. Tessa is moving on to do great things in other places and we wish her all the best. We will miss her smile, warmth and mother like demeanor. You will see new faces

in the clinic as we have hired some new clinicians. Although Tessa can’t be duplicated, you can be assured that the care and culture at Pittman will be world class. Thanks for your trust!!

Call your physical therapist for additional questions on how we can help you recover from COVID-19:

New clinic address: 9087 Poplar Ave Suite 103 Germantown, TN 38138


PATIENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocated my knee. Previously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foot surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I wanted to play Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers I att nded a basketb ll camp with my te m at Briarcrest and dislocated my kne . Previously, Pittm n ad helped me r cover from a foot surgery, so of course I went straigh to them t help me with my kn e recovery. I tried not to ave surg y, but if I wan ed to pl y Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN STEED and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was old that I would h ve a 6 month recovery, bu with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully r cover d in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tess , Maranda, nd a few oth r eople in the practice. I will fo ver be thankful for the hard work they pu into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN ST ED Richard says, “I had an enjoyable time at Pittman. My therapists got rid of my pain and worked on strengthening my muscles to make sure the pain would stay away. To anyone considering P ttman PTI would say give thema a try. They kno wh t they are doing nd work with you to resolve y u issues.” PATIENT S OTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, Richard Merril Rich rd Me ril back was in so back pain he had tr ub e standing. After therapy he now has no pain.

PA IENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman P ysical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocat d my knee. Pr viously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foo surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I want d to play asketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would ave a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN STEED

Nutrition Tips for A Healthy Summer 8

Summerweekends at the beach, backyard barbecues, and outdoor dinners are finally here, but these gatherings are often loaded with high-calorie pasta salads, chips, ice cream, cocktails and beers. Enjoy your warmweather favoriteswhile keeping your nutrition in check with the tips below. 1. Drink green tea instead of sweet tea. Green tea has a natural component that helps speed up yourmetabolism. Skip the box tea and opt for the brew-it-yourself with boiling water and a tea-bag-type tea. 2. Serve seafood. Summer is the ideal time to get the freshest catch from your local grocer. Grill salmon, tuna, lobster, steamer clams, and calamari for a low- calorie, protein-packed lunch or dinner. 3. Don’t skip breakfast. When you wake up in the morning, your body is running on fumes. Eating a breakfast with protein, carbs, and healthy fat kicks your metabolism into high gear and provides energy for the day.

building process, help your body recover fromtraining, and boost your energy levels. 8. Pre-plan your meals. You plan your weekend getaways and activities for summer. Why not your meals? Make it easy by preparing all of your food on Sunday so that youhave enoughmeals for theweek. The best part: You’ll savemoney. http://www.coreperformance.com/daily/live-better/15- nutriton-tips-for-a-healthy-summer.html

4. Enjoy summer fruits and veggies. It’s easy to sink into a vegetable rut, eating the same boring veggiesweek after week, but with summer comes fresh choices. Including a mix of in-season colorful veggies in your meals gives your body a nutrient kick. 5. Snack at work. Bring snacks to work and graze throughout the day. When you eatmore often—five to six times per day— you’re far less likely to overeat and more likely to stay energized. 6. Hydrateoften. The summer heatmakes youmore susceptible todehydration. Start off your day by drinking two glasses of water and keep drinking at each meal, as well as before and after your workout, to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you as a reminder to stay hydrated. 7. Recover with a post-workout shake. After exercising, blend your favorite summer fruits and a scoop of whey protein intoa shake to kickstart themuscle-

Tripp Howell came to us after his foot surgery. Tripp is back to near normal function after his time with Pittman Physical Therapy. “I am beside myself with the whole staff! I will write an extensive review on google. I am very, very pleased! Ya’ll are like family now. I would like to say to anyone who is considering physical therapy, just do it at Pittman PT.” - Tripp Howell Tripp Howell

Check our our website at pittmanpt.com for more great testimonials from our patients!

Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy body Exercise Essentials

STANDING CALF STRETCH Increases Leg Range of Motion


Increase Balance and Stability

Using a chair for support, execute by standing with one foot in front. Slowly lean forward. You should feel a stretch in your back calf. Keep your back knee locked and hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3 times per leg.

Stand tall. Be close to support, both at your sides and behind in case you lose your balance. Balance on one leg.

Exercise copyright of


Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.

Who do you know that needs our help?

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Share the Benefits of Pittman Physical Therapy! Has Pittman Physical Therapy helped you live a better life? Let others know how much we can help them, too! Scan the QR code below with your smartphone camera to quickly link to our Social Media pages and Google and leave a review! C H E C K - I N O N F A C E B O O K D U R I N G Y O U R A P P O I N TM E N T L E AV E A G O O G L E R E V I EW C H E C K - I N O N F A C E B O O K D U R I N G Y O U R A P P O I N TM E N T L E AV E A G O O G L E R E V I EW Monthly Raffle! L I K E O U R F A C E B O O K P A G E F O L L OW T H E S E S T E P S T O E N T E R : Monthly Raffle! L I K E O U R F A C E B O O K P A G E F O L L OW T H E S E S T E P S T O E N T E R :

Do You Have Friends/Family Unable to Do the Following?

9 Sit for long periods of time comfortably 9 Walk for long distances 9 Live an active & healthy lifestyle

9 Move without pain 9 Bend & move freely 9 Balance confidently & securely

If you know someone suffering from aches and pains, give the gift of health. Refer them to Pittman Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an evaluation! You will get your name in our next newsletter and you could win a $20 gift card! WIN A $20 GIFT CARD


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