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Nutrition Tips for A Healthy Summer 8

Summerweekends at the beach, backyard barbecues, and outdoor dinners are finally here, but these gatherings are often loaded with high-calorie pasta salads, chips, ice cream, cocktails and beers. Enjoy your warmweather favoriteswhile keeping your nutrition in check with the tips below. 1. Drink green tea instead of sweet tea. Green tea has a natural component that helps speed up yourmetabolism. Skip the box tea and opt for the brew-it-yourself with boiling water and a tea-bag-type tea. 2. Serve seafood. Summer is the ideal time to get the freshest catch from your local grocer. Grill salmon, tuna, lobster, steamer clams, and calamari for a low- calorie, protein-packed lunch or dinner. 3. Don’t skip breakfast. When you wake up in the morning, your body is running on fumes. Eating a breakfast with protein, carbs, and healthy fat kicks your metabolism into high gear and provides energy for the day.

building process, help your body recover fromtraining, and boost your energy levels. 8. Pre-plan your meals. You plan your weekend getaways and activities for summer. Why not your meals? Make it easy by preparing all of your food on Sunday so that youhave enoughmeals for theweek. The best part: You’ll savemoney. http://www.coreperformance.com/daily/live-better/15- nutriton-tips-for-a-healthy-summer.html

4. Enjoy summer fruits and veggies. It’s easy to sink into a vegetable rut, eating the same boring veggiesweek after week, but with summer comes fresh choices. Including a mix of in-season colorful veggies in your meals gives your body a nutrient kick. 5. Snack at work. Bring snacks to work and graze throughout the day. When you eatmore often—five to six times per day— you’re far less likely to overeat and more likely to stay energized. 6. Hydrateoften. The summer heatmakes youmore susceptible todehydration. Start off your day by drinking two glasses of water and keep drinking at each meal, as well as before and after your workout, to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you as a reminder to stay hydrated. 7. Recover with a post-workout shake. After exercising, blend your favorite summer fruits and a scoop of whey protein intoa shake to kickstart themuscle-

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