Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2018

Prepare for the Storms to Come


Without flood insurance , any damage sustained by a flood will come right out of your pocket. If your business suddenly starts taking on water (literally), it can quickly rack up bills that will be almost impossible to pay. With this in mind, most business owners should at least consider a comprehensive flood insurance plan to protect them from the worst. Flood insurance premium quotes vary from area to area based on the type of coverage, your location and flood risk, the design and age of your building, and other factors. But luckily, with the partnership between the NFIP and private insurance companies, prices are heavily regulated, and you can expect to see similar prices regardless of which firm you use. What you won’t get from another firm is the experience and attention of the Risk Services/Insurica team— we are dedicated to ensuring you get exactly the flood insurance you need. If you’re considering a flood insurance policy, give us a call at 501.666.6653 today , and you’ll be able to rest easy knowing your property is protected.

Almost one year ago this month, the country watched helplessly as Hurricanes Harvey, Maria, and Irma devastated the southwest United States and islands across the Atlantic, destroying homes, leveling businesses, and causing irreparable damage to lives and property. It was the costliest hurricane season in history, tallying up $282.16 billion in damage and putting a tragic end to thousands of lives. It was one of the most horrific series of events in most of our lifetimes, and while we honor the memory of those who battled for their lives in the midst of the storms, we should also take heed and brace ourselves for the vicious storms that will inevitably come again. While hurricanes may be exceedingly rare in Arkansas, that doesn’t mean we don’t see our fair share of serious weather events. Heavy rains and the occasional tropical storm can cause severe flooding. In fact, according to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), floods are the number one weather-related disaster in the state. And as the weather becomes more erratic year after year, it’s more important than ever to be prepared.


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