Leave Early What’s the rush?! Teen drivers who find themselves speeding or worrying about driving on certain routes could benefit from leaving earlier. Encourage your teens to give themselves about 10–15
Drivers of all abilities and ages should follow traffic laws and avoid distracted driving to prevent tragic accidents, but for many teens, inexperience behind the wheel can be an Achilles’ heel. Couple that with common teen pressures, like social media or sneaking out late, and teen driving can become a dangerous fact of the road!
minutes of extra driving time to account for traffic, unfamiliar territory, and potential obstacles. This will allow them to focus on driving safely rather than trying to get to their destination on time by making potentially fatal mistakes.
If your teen just began driving — or will start soon — share these three tips to help them prevent accidents and injuries.
Don’t Make Assumptions When you’re a teen, it’s difficult to think
Know School Zone Laws Driving in certain areas comes with particular rules, and school zones are no different!
beyond the scope of the here and now. (This is a scientific fact; teenage brains are in a hyper-speed state of growth!) This can make it difficult for teens to think beyond what they see or experience, which can often lead to assumptions. On the road, this can be dangerous! Assuming that a driver is turning one way, or that you can squeeze in
Because teens are often driving to and from schools, they may need to become familiar with these specialty rules. These include things like how to operate around school buses and what speed to drive in parking lots or in school zones. Teach your teen to watch carefully for pedestrians, too.
between two vehicles because they won’t slam on their brakes, can result in accidents! Teach your teen that unless they have proof, they shouldn’t assume they know what other drivers are doing. Remind them they should do what they believe is best with the information they have at that moment.
Driving is an important part of growing up, but it doesn’t come without its hazards. If your teen is injured in an accident, the Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C., can help. Call us today to learn more!
We Value You!
At the Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C., the trust we build with our clients is our most valuable asset. To show our appreciation, we would like to thank our clients who have referred others to us since our September newsletter:
Bring the salty taste of Oktoberfest to your home kitchen with these soft pretzels!
• 4 1/2 cups flour • 3 tbsp oil, divided • 2/3 cup baking soda • 2 eggs, beaten • Coarse salt, for sprinkling
Ingredients • 1 1/2 cups warm water • 1 tbsp salt • 1 tbsp sugar • 1 packet active dry yeast
George Wallace, James Singleton, and Ken West
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Directions 1. In a bowl, combine water, salt, and sugar. Add yeast and let rest for 5 minutes. Add flour and 2 tbsp oil, then mix thoroughly into a dough. 2. Remove the dough from the bowl. Coat bowl with remaining oil, then return the dough, cover with plastic wrap, and set it aside in a warm place for 1 hour. 3. Preheat oven to 450 F. 4. Cut dough into 8 pieces. Roll them into thin ropes, then twist ropes into pretzel shapes. 5. In a large pot, boil water. Add baking soda, then boil each pretzel for 1 minute, flipping halfway through. 6. Transfer pretzels to a baking sheet. Brush them with egg and sprinkle with salt. Bake for 10–15 minutes. Enjoy!
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