In the workplace We want to transform how workplaces of all shapes and sizes think about mental health and wellbeing.
Most adults spend at least a third of their time at work. At any given time, one in six working age adults have symptoms associated with mental ill health 1 . In the UK, mental ill health is responsible for 72 million working days lost and costs employers £34.9 billion each year 2 . These are significant productivity and financial costs to business.
We want a society where everyone can thrive. We will create a network of mental health aware and Mental Health First Aid skilled people in workplaces across the country. Healthier, happier workplaces are more productive and have a better impact on society. Since 2011 we have worked with over 20,000 workplaces, from local hairdressers to global corporations.
1 in 6 working age adults have symptoms associated with mental ill health
£34.9 billion cost of mental ill health to employers each year
72 million working days lost each year
1. McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. Leeds; 2016. 2. Centre for Mental Health. Mental health at work: The business costs ten years on. 2017.
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