Our toolkits As part of our vision to improve the mental health of the nation, we share free toolkits with the public online. The toolkits include ready-to-use materials to explore in the workplace, school or community. We create these resources to share tips for self-care and wellbeing and encourage talking openly about mental health. The toolkits include graphics to share on social media to promote wider action to reduce stigma.
For Mental Health Awareness Week in 2018 we launched the #AddressYourStress toolkit. It looks at what causes us stress and how to manage our stress levels. It has an interactive tool to help us understand our Stress Container.
For World Mental Health Day 2018 we launched the #HandsUp4HealthyMinds toolkit for supporting young people. There are film clips, a quiz, posters and GIFs to share facts and tips about mental health in young people aged 8-24.
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