MHFA England Impact Report 2019

Going forward Going forward, we will publish an impact report every year. Through this we will share our successes, our lessons and the difference we have made together. We hope you will join us on this journey to improve the mental health of the nation. We’d like to share two important projects taking place in 2019-20 to help us along this journey: Our Adult MHFA Refresher course will be released later this year. It is a four hour course which will be recommended to those who have taken an Adult MHFA Two Day or One Day course within the last three years. Having a Refresher course shows the maturity of Mental Health First Aid in England and MHFA England. It shows a step towards equality between mental and physical first aid, as physical first aid requires regular skills updates. We are excited to develop this course to support the Mental Health First Aider role in the workplace. The EMPOWER (Evaluation of MHFA from the Perspective Of Workplace End users Randomised Control Trial) Study will be launched. This is an evaluation led by the Centre for Mental Health. The study will measure the impact of MHFA England training on the frequency and effectiveness of support provided to recipients of Mental Health First Aid, and recipients’ mental health and wellbeing. This evaluation demonstrates our commitment to understanding what works and continuously seeking to improve.


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