City of Tonganoxie 2020 Budget Book

Pet Licenses:

Dogs and cats within the city limits are required to be registered with the City and receive a pet license for a fee of $15 for non-sterilized and $10 for sterilized dogs and cats. These fees are waived for "seeing eye" or "hearing" dogs, companion animals for the physically impaired, and government- owned animals. Fees are deposited in the General Fund. These fees are assessed to those submitting an application for review by the Planning Commission or the Board of Zoning Appeals, such as a request for zoning change, site plans, platting, lot split, etc. A distinct fund of City accounts for equipment purchases of the police department. ΨϭϬ from every court fine conviction is dedicated to this fund. A rule or set of rules that is formally adopted by an authoritative body. It states desired values and goals. 1.0% tax collected by the State on sales in Leavenworth County and distributed to each jurisdiction bĂƐĞĚŽŶ population͘dŽŶŐĂŶŽdžŝĞΖƐƐŚĂƌĞ ŝƐdesignatedfor capital expenditures. 1.0% tax collected by local merchants and returned by the State. This revenue is deposited in the General Fund. Another 0.75% is collected and dedicated for debt service on the ŶĞǁ>ŝďƌĂƌLJĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌ ŝŶĨƌĂƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞŝŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐ͘The Water Park sales tax terminateĚ in 2017ĂŶĚŝŶ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϮϬϭϳǀŽƚĞƌƐĂƉƉƌŽǀĞĚŝƚƚŽďĞƌĞƉůĂĐĞĚďLJ ĐŽůůĞĐƚŝŽŶƐĨŽƌƚŚĞĂŶĞǁůŝďƌĂƌLJĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌŝŶĨƌĂƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞŝŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐ. A distinct fund of City accounts where payments of $15.00 monthly for curbside trash collection ĂŶĚ ĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂů ĐŽƐƚƐ ĨŽƌ ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ are recognized. Expenditures include City staff salaries and payments to a A distinct fund of City accounts that provides for the expenditures of the City wastewater operations. Revenue comes from service charges. Special assessments are non-regular property taxes for public improvement projects such as streets, sewers, and waterlines that are paid by the property owners who will benefit from the improvements. Tonganoxie currently has one area special assessment issued on improvements to the downtown corridor on 4th Street. The assessment is set to expire in 2021. Other special assessments may result from nuisance abatement and condemnation costs. Provides funding for maintenance and improvements of City parkland. Funding is provided by the alcohol tax. private waste hauling company. A distinct fund of City accounts for sewer infrastructure repairs. Revenue is provided by sewer taps, inspections for new developments, and operating fund transfers.

Planning & Zoning Fees:

Police Capital Reserve Fund:


Sales Tax - County:

Sales Tax - City:

Sanitation Fund:

Sewer Capital Reserve Fund:

Sewer Operations Fund:

Special Assessments:

Special Parks Fund:


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