Magazine Daniel Féau

New York, museum managers in Maastricht.” On social networks, Guillaume regularly updates his Instagram account with superb photos of his furniture, and he has even agreed to participate in a groundbreaking virtual art fair… “ allows collectors from across the globe to access a selection of works in 3D via their computer or mobile phone. The technique has already been tested with decorators. We send them 3D scans to allow them to visualize furniture in their decor. Here, the process is the same. Visitors go onto the site, enter a stand, and when they see an object they like, they can then turn it in all directions while an information sheet gives them all relevant details.” Even the price... It may seem hard to imagine that this could be how someone would, for example, buy the console Georges Jacob created for la Princesse de Conti, but Guillaume Léage is a believer. “The world has changed, and so have customers. Of course, the vast majority will still want to see the piece of furniture close up and meticulously check it all over, but sometimes a photo is enough to close a deal…” No doubt his reputation has a lot to do with it. When he took over the gallery from his father François, who died prematurely in 2013, Guillaume was just 21 years old... Patiently, he proved to his peers that not only he had a good head on his shoulders and could keep the business going, but also had all the knowledge required to perpetuate his father’s reputation of excellence. However, like all his fellow gallery owners, he had to grin and bear it when interest in the 18 th century waned. To attract a younger clientele, he created a buzz when he brought together a Cressent writing desk and a Vasarely painting, with a Lieutaud chest of drawers rubbing shoulders with a work by Dubuffet. And then came Covid and two lockdowns. Like many others, Guillaume had to think outside the box… he kept in close contact with his clients and friends by means of a newsletter, which transformed over the weeks and months into short, but fascinating articles. His “Interludes de la galerie” were so successful that t​he idea came to turn them into a book. After a year revamping, enriching, editing and adding more photos, this book has become a reality. Prefaced by Daniel Alcouffe, it was launched in Guillaume’s gallery on September 26 th with the title Intime XVIII e siècle. No doubt a future work of reference, it informs without being dreary, and should appeal to the Instagram generation. •

Ravissant stand lors du dernier Winter Show, avec le mobilier de la galerie et les papiers peints anciens, de Carolle Thibaut-Pomerantz.

En 2021, Guillaume Léage faisait dialoguer une commode de François Lieutaut et une toile de Jean Dubuffet.

son père François, décédé prématurément en 2013, Guillaume avait 21 ans… Patiemment, il a prouvé à ses pairs qu’il avait non seulement les épaules pour maintenir l’affaire, mais les connaissances pour perpétuer la réputation d’excellence acquise par son père. Comme tous ses confrères, il a dû faire le dos rond quand le XVIII e siècle a connu un creux de vague. Pour attirer une clientèle plus jeune, il a alors fait dialoguer dans sa galerie bureau de Cressent et tableau de Vasarely, commode de Lieutaud et toile de Dubuffet. Et puis, il y eut le Covid et les deux confinements. Les épreuves stimulent l’imagination... Guillaume Léage entretient le contact avec ses clients et amis grâce à une newsletter, qui se transforme

au fil des semaines en de petits articles passionnants, dédiés à un ébéniste, un style, un lieu. Ses « Interludes de la galerie » rencontrent un tel succès que l’idée d’en faire un livre devient une évidence. Un an de travail pour remettre en forme les chroniques, les enrichir ou les couper, les illustrer de plus de photos, et l’ouvrage est prêt. Guillaume vient de le lancer dans sa galerie le 26 septembre dernier. Son titre ? Intime XVIII e siècle. Préfacé par Daniel Alcouffe, il va devenir, à n’en pas douter, un ouvrage de référence. Instructif, mais pas rebutant, il devrait séduire la génération Instagram. •


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