TZL 1469



Quality through connections

A ccording to Charles Eames, “Eventually everything connects – people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.” Strong connections lead to strong communications and successful outcomes, so it’s important that we listen, understand, and respond in ways that are supportive.

We can interpret the above quote in different ways. We think about our interactions, and how we relate and communicate with colleagues and clients. But oftentimes, we don’t think about how our ideas and even objects around us can affect how we connect with others. Another interpretation could be that for quality design and operation of a facility, we need to connect adequately to infrastructure like pipelines, electrical systems, and the internet. The bottom line is that everything can be interpreted through the connections we have or the connections we are creating in the process. How do we achieve these connections? Connecting with infrastructure can be straightforward, as infrastructure doesn’t have feelings; it doesn’t talk back, disagree, or challenge our ideas. Clients and colleagues, on the other hand, can challenge us at every pass. But it is these connections that can give us perspective and help us to grow. Connections begin by reaching out, building a team, asking for

help, researching, and analyzing the possibilities presented. It’s what we do as we journey through life that can lead to enduring connections. Here are a few strategies for building strong connections: 1. Be in the moment. In our technological age, with internet, Teams, and Zoom meetings, we have many tools that are intended to help people connect. However, the best way to really connect is by actively listening and being fully engaged when someone is talking with you. Put the phone down, close the laptop (unless they are communicating through a video call, of course), and focus on the individual. 2. Build trust. Being reliable gains trust in others. Show reliability in your listening skills by repeating back key ideas from your conversation.

Kevin Bertrand



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