

12A — April 25 - May 15, 2014 — Spring Preview — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal

E nergy E fficiency

partment building owners may currently be enjoying low va- By Patrick Bunn, MaGrann Associates The key to reducing operating costs is lowering utility bills through energy savings A are paying too much on utility bills, you are investing in the utility company rather than your own property. of individual components of a typical building have improved over the years, the efficiency of buildings as a whole has lagged behind.

– eGuarantee. The MaGrann Team will start with a free utility bill analysis, interview and physi- cal inspection of the property. Then MaGrann presents you with an Opportunity Assess- ment Report that focuses on “master-metered” usage and identifies the potential for en- ergy and water savings from retrofit measures. If sufficient opportunity is identified in this initial assessment, MaGrann Associates will provide a pro- posal to perform an in-depth Whole Building Retrofit Analysis . This investment

grade report will describe in detail one or more packages of energy and water saving measures. Each package will include a fixed-price total cost (inclusive of the analysis, the retrofit and all related ser- vices), the projected annual energy and water savings, and the annual cost of financing (loan payments). At least one package will be presented that assures a positive cash-flow for the term of the loan or the Analysis is free. Other packag- es may include measures that are recommended byMaGrann or requested by the owner even if the payback is longer than the term of the loan. The Whole Building Retro- fit Analysis will provide the basis for a design/build con- tract between the owner and MaGrann Associates. This Energy Retrofit Project Agreement will include a guarantee that for the first two years after completion of the work, if your actual annual energy and water savings do not exceed the financing cost, the difference will be paid by MaGrann. Even if the owner selects a package predicted to exceed these criteria, Ma- Grann will pay any additional amount beyond the amount stated in the Analysis. If needed, MaGrann Associ- ates will help the owner take advantage of financing from the region’s most experienced energy efficiency lenders – the Sustainable Energy Fund or The Reinvestment Fund. Ma- Grann Associates will coordi- nate and manage the project on behalf of the owner. Our technical experts will commis- sion all upgraded equipment and perform any additional monitoring needed to ensure the projected cost reductions are achieved. Both the improvements and the energy savings be- long to the property owner . All MaGrann requires is that a suitable maintenance contract be in place with MaGrann or a contractor of the owner’s choice for the duration of the guaran- tee. There is no payment to MaGrann directly – all costs are included in the financing along with the improvements. Patrick Bunn is the op- erations manager for ex- isting multifamily and commercial properties at MaGrann Associates, man- aging projects from incep- tion to completion . n

cancy rates b u t s t i l l find profits reduced by rising oper- ating costs. W h e t h e r rising costs are related to payroll ex-

Reducing your fuel and wa- ter consumption is best done by looking at the whole building, rather than tackling individual measures one at a time as they become crises. The size and specifications for a boiler replacement may be differ- ent and more cost effective if you consider other energy saving issues, such as insula- tion, air sealing, ventilation or mechanical delivery systems. While the energy efficiency

Building owners have been hesitant to pursue energy con- servation retrofit projects for a number of reasons – predicted energy savings may not be achieved, costs of projects may result in a negative cash-flow, managers may not be equipped to take on management of a project. MaGrann Associates has a program for multifamily buildings that addresses the concerns of the building owner

Pat Bunn

penses, taxes or the need for infrastructure improvements, reducing utility bills should be a prime strategy for hold- ing the line. After all, if you

Building Science for a Better Environment

Your expert source for all energy efficiency and green building needs.

Green Building Consulting & Certifications Energy Code Compliance Testing HUD Utility Allowance Analysis Multifamily eGuarantee Program Design & Management Engineering Design HERS Ratings

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