12B — April 25 - May 15, 2014 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
G reen B uildings
By Marjorie Becker Cervelli Mgmt. Corp. helps client go green at no cost! A rmen Tagmizyan, a star property manager at Cervelli Manage- ent who qualified for completely free LED bulbs.
also consume roughly half the amount of energy compared to the CFLs which will allow the property to allocate less money towards energy consumption. Another factor that plays a role in cost-savings to the client are conservations in cooling costs given that these bulbs do not contribute to heat build up. As the property manager, Tagmizyan researched and coordinated meetings and ar- ranged for a walkthrough of the building to assess the best pos- sible solution. He’s currently working with several other properties in his portfolio at Cervelli Management Corp. to institute this type of program and save his clients money. In his 2 year tenure Mr. Tagmi- zyan has gained recognition as being a valued asset to both his firm and his clients as he diligently works toward finding environmentally friendly and financially responsible methods of reducing costs while main- taining a high quality of life. He continues the long stand- ing tradition set by Cervelli Management Corp of providing excellent service to its clients and setting the bar high for the industry. n Brett Slensky, Esq. MGKF to address UD students Philadelphia, PA — Brett Slensky , an attorney with Manko, Gold, Katcher dents in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment at the University of Delaware (UD) on Tuesday, April 22. Slensky is a 1994 graduate of UD. Slensky will talk about his path from choosing an environ- mental science major to pursu- ing a law degree. He’ll also dis- cuss some of the types of work he does as an environmental attorney and his personal and professional experiences that led him to practice at MGKF. Slensky concentrates his practice on the environmental aspects of commercial transac- tions, property development issues, regulatory compliance and renewable energy. n Brett Slensky & Fox, LLP ( MG K F ) , t h e e n v i - ronmental, energy and land use law and litiga- t i o n f i r m will address freshman stu-
Not only is there a short- term benefit in “going green” but many long-term savings by replacing the bulbs less fre- quently and reducing energy consumption. Traditional CFLs have an average life of 10,000 hours which equates to roughly 14 months before they need to be replaced. The system being installed has an estimated lifes- pan of 40,000 hours and comes with a 10 year warranty. Any bulbs that burn out before the warranty will be replaced com- pletely for free. The LED bulbs
ment Corp, successfully f a c i l i t a t e d the transition from compact f luorescent l i ght i ng t o energy saving LED bulbs at no cost to to
Armen Tagmizyan
his client. He navigated the often complex process of procur- ing federal and state rebates resulting in several thousands of dollars in savings for his cli-
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