5.8 The existing vehicular access adjacent to the pedestrian/cycle path does not
benefit from a dropped kerb and may not have the benefit of planning consent
(permission is required for a new access onto a classified road). Transport consultant
advice is recommended to ensure that formalisation of this access to support any
new residential development on the site would be supported and to establish
whether any improvements (such as to visibility splays, width, etc) would be
5.9 There may be a requirement to retain sufficient space to accommodate a driveway
(parking) along the side of the proposed dwelling, as well as a turning head within
the front garden, so that cars can enter and exit the vehicular access/drive in a
forward gear. Normally, a Local Planning Authority would oppose any scheme (for
planning permission) where a car is unable to turn fully on-site and exit onto a
classified road in a forward gear (although it is noted that the parking arrangements
approved for no. 21 Sweets Road, referenced earlier, did not involve on-site turning
and so cars could reverse directly onto the road – this is normally resisted,
particularly on busy roads).
5.10 The new dwelling should be designed to appear in keeping with the neighbouring
properties (such as a double storey bay window; hipped roof, chimneys,
pebbledash, terracotta double roman roof tiles, etc). The width of the property
should be no wider than no. 41 Pool Road, with any additional width (where there
is sufficient space to accommodate it) appearing as a set-back side addition, to
reduce visual impact and ensure the new dwelling does not appear as over-
5.11 Windows to habitable rooms in the side elevations should be avoided.
5.12 A drainage scheme (Sustainable Urban Drainage) will be required to support the
5.13 Hard/soft landscaping should be identified on a proposed site plan. However, a
condition is likely to be imposed to secure submission and approval of a detailed
scheme. Soft landscaping should be proposed in the front garden and retained for
the existing dwelling as part of any planning application.
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