He wasn’t going around seeking fleshly means when his wife had no child. He laid hold of God and prayed. The Lord gave Rebecca not only one child, but twins. His weakness may have been in giving in to the needs of the moment. He was hungry for Esau’s dish and blessed Jacob by mistake in anticipation of it. Isaac “trembled exceedingly” because of his appetite for fleshly things. It wasn’t because Jacob was worthy of the blessing but because God, in His sovereign grace had chosen Jacob. Q. Phoenix, Ariz. — *7 have a neigh bor who is an alcoholic. She has two children, ages five and six. Should I allow my children to play with them? I talked to them about Jesus and they seem to show a real interest.” A. Yes, definitely do so. Why make these precious little ones suffer for the mother’s sinfulness? Keep com municating the Gospel to them, let ting them hear of Christ. Seek tq lead them to a personal knowledge of the Saviour while you still have time. You don’t know when they or you may move away. It may be that as you show kindness to these little ones it will be the opportunity of open ing doors to reach the mother’s heart for the Lord. We shall remember this need in prayer. Q. Eugene, Ore. — ‘‘Can a person who has had a mental breakdown be filled with the Holy Spirit?” A. We understand the question to be that after the individual has had a mental breakdown, and has been cured of the illness being brought back to normalacy, can he be filled with the Holy Spirit? In this case, we would say an unqualified “yes.” There are many causes for mental problems. It may be a physical diffi culty or some emotional strain which triggers the breakdown. Do not be come discouraged if you went through this experience. You can be of won
derful service to the Lord. Let’s be sure we differentiate between the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is a once-for-all transaction at the mo ment of salvation, and the filling of ! ^be Holy Spirit which is a moment- \ by-moment and day-by-day experi- ; ence. Yield to Him daily—body, mind and spirit. Q. Spokane, Wash. — “Do you think | it is right to elect to church offices men who have committed adultery or other grave sins?” A. Scripture is quite clear concern- ing those who are elected to church offices. (See the pastoral epistles.) They should live exemplary lives, etc. ■ This is not to say that they will ever ; be sinlessly perfect. Those who have ¡, committed flagrant sins, known to others, would not fit the pattern es tablished in the Word of God. At this point, just a word of caution. Do not make any unwarranted charges for . we are not to judge one another. Make sure what you know is fact and not just heresay. Q. Hayward, Calif. — ‘‘Is it right or wrong to sell things, such as paper napkins and other articles, and to have dinners and sell tickets for the church to raise money in various ways, as well as to put the church name on some article sold?" A. The writer may have in mind the idea of bazaars. We do not believe that such fund-raising schemes should be a part of church activity. It is not honoring the Lord. If peo ple will do as God commands and ex pects, there will be no lack. They are to lay by them in store every Lord’s Day a proportionate amount of their money to give to the church. The tithe ought to be the basis, but we should go on beyond that. It is true that some women in churches don’t have money to give perhaps because of unbelieving husbands. They make things which they sell, and these
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