Biola Broadcaster - 1969-02

requirement of his son’s circumci­ sion. Zipporah was evidently against this but finally relented. She com­ plained to her husband, “Surely a bloody husband art thou to me.” Moses was made to understand that he must have authority settled in his own home. So, on the eve of deliver­ ing Israel, he was reminded that without circumcision an Israelite would be cut off from the covenant. Incidentally, it’s interesting to real­ ize that we read very little of Zip­ porah afterwards in the entire story of the Pentateuch. Q. Yakima, Wash. — "What became of those who rose from the dead in con­ nection with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 27:52, 53?” A. We believe that as far as their bodies were concerned, after they had finished their work, they went back into their graves. Their spirits, of course, went to be with the Lord in glory (Eph. 4:8). Q. NewWestminster, British Columbia— “I am in contact with a woman who is involved with a certain cult, and am trying to get her to understand the Bible and the Gospel. Would you have anything that would help her to understand and accept Jesus Christ as her own personal Saviour? I am also trying to get a man who is over 80 to come to the Lord. Seemingly, I am up against a stone wall." A. On this last statement, we know how difficult it is. Statistics show how that the older a person gets, the more Gospel-hardened he becomes, and there are fewer, percentage-wise, who accept Christ. On the question concerning the cults, our Biola Book Store has some excellent publications on all of these. Let us know in which cult you are interested. For specific questions on cults you could write to Keligion Analysis Service, Inc., 902 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 55403.

funds are used for the Lord’s work. There is nothing wrong with this practice. When a church begins to have bazaars, ice cream sales, lot­ teries, and the like, we find no scrip­ tural justification for them. Some- , times people who buy certain articles think that in this way they may have merited something in the sight of God. This is very definitely wrong. Q. Chico, Calif. — “Could you explain just what the curse was that was put upon Cain, spoken of in Genesis 4:8-16, because he slew his brother Abel?” A. The curse rested on all of the chil­ dren of Adam, because as head of the race he had disobeyed God and all mankind fell as a result. When Cain was born, he had a fallen nature. Cain had committed fratricide. Scrip­ ture says that he went out from the presence of God, and lived apart from the Lord. He dwelt in the land of Nod where worldly civilization began. It is a sad commentary that all through man’s history, his city life existence has been for the most part away from God. The Lord had to call down judgment upon this world’s civilization. Q. Seattle, Wash. — “Can you please explain Exodus 4:24-26. Was the Lord seeking to kill Moses? I f so, why? In verse 25 what was Zipporah angry about? I see no connection with these three verses to the text preceding.” A. In this portion, as far as context is concerned, Pharaoh has been told to release the children of Israel. Moses has to have things in his own household in order so that he may be God’s servant. God was dealing with Israel in relationship to the Abrahamic Covenant, and Moses had overlooked a very important facet. The Lord, according to this verse, was going to punish him by death because he had failed to fulfill the

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