READY RESOURCES Have you ever known anyone who is entirely and completely satisfied with the amount of money he possesses? John D. Rockefeller was once asked the question, “When does a man have enough?" He thoughtfully responded, “When he has a little more!" No mat ter what financial bracket he may be in, there is always the desire for more. Men are not content with what they have. Most of us are just about able to get along from one pay day to the next. Emergencies often arise. This was the case in one household about which we’ve heard. Probably the big thing that kept this family going was the knowl edge that mother had directed that her personal bank account was never to be touched unless dire circumstances set in. It was there for protection. The family never did get quite so bad off that they had to use that special bank account. Just knowing it was there was a big help to their morale. As the years rolled on, the children grew up. They themselves started homes and eventu ally prospered in the things of life. Mush later, at one family gathering, the children unanimously encouraged their mother, since she no longer had to worry about the high cost of rearing children, to go down to her bank ac count and take out every single penny in that special emergency fund and spend it all on herself. You can imag ine how shocked and dumbfounded they were when she laughingly ex plained, “Why there is no bank ac- 28
count! There never has been. It was just something I used in my imagina tion as a way to keep our hopes up when everything seemed dim.” That supposed resource pulled the family through many a trying experience. Aren’t you thankful though that we, as God’s children, don’t need to depend upon His imaginary riches? There’s no question about them. They’re actually already on deposit for us. How blessed it is to realize the truth that, “We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace!” FAITH’S DECLARATION Have you ever awakened in the morn ing, just literally hating to face a new day? It could be because of some diffi cult problem you’ve had before you. Maybe you would have to meet some one who represented a potentially diffi cult situation for you. Concerned and apprehensive about the day ahead, you wondered how everything would work out. An old mariner’s chart for the east coast of North Africa has some inter esting and rather fearful notations on it. It’8 now in the British museum, hav ing been drawn up by an unknown car tographer way back in 1525, more than 100 years ago. It’s interesting to see that the map maker had written across You can quickly lose Interest in the church if you have nothing invested.
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