Biola Broadcaster - 1969-02

That was obvious. “But,” I wanted to know, “what is the worst they could do?” He didn’t have to think long now. “They could take away our families and our homes, along with all of our material goods.” “Yes,” I conceded, “but is that the worst they could do ?” After a few seconds more, his face really fell as he came to grips with what concerns all men. “No,” he said, “they could kill us!” That we agreed was the worst the communists could do. This was the absolute ultimate. Look again at the verse. Notice the potential host encamping against us and the wars which might come on every hand. The Lord Jesus says in Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” This could be quite a scary situation. The host is en­ camping about us. While there is no actual war, the shadow of war is lurking everywhere. Now is the time when faith’s armor is urgently need­ ed. Do you have foes encamping about your life? You may feel so boxed in with no way to turn and no place to go for deliverance. Listen, take hold of the armor of God. Through faith you can be a more than a conqueror. Remember, faith means simply, “Forsaking All I Trust Him.” Yes, though our adversaries may some day be numerous, though there rise up an army against one single, individual man, yet hosts can­ not hurt us if the Lord of hosts pro­ tects us. CHAPTER THREE I’ve had an enjoyable time recent­ ly in taking three or four days con­ ducting a survey among Christian people with whom I came in contact. Before our conversations ended, I made it a point to ask the question, “If you had the opportunity to re­ ceive one thing from the Lord, what would you desire most of all ?” Would

you like to hear some of the answers ? A high schooler really surprised me by saying, “I’d like to have humili­ ty.” Some of us might well profit by such a bestowal. A radio personality, whose name you’d know, told me, “I’d like to know that when I ask things in prayer, I’m really asking accord­ ing to the Lord’s will.” That’s a good idea, isn’t it? A housewife called in with a prayer request. It wasn’t hard for her to figure out her fondest wish, “I would desire that my husband might find the Lord.” A youth evan­ gelist was earnest in his plea that he might have “power in preaching.” A missionary leader said that he would like to receive from the Lord the type of wisdom with which Solo­ mon was blessed, that which was dis­ cerning, discriminating, theoretical, and practical. A businessman, who had been cheated by others more than once, observed, “I’d like to see hon­ esty in those with whom I work.” Then, as an afterthought, he con­ fessed, “And in my own life as well.” A youth worker told me that he would like to see his physical and spiritual children “walking in the truth.” There were all sorts of requests of the Lord. A store owner told me rather facetiously over the dinner table that he would like to have a boat. “That’s the one thing I really desire,” he explained. He went on to tell me that it could cost anywhere from eight to ten thousand dollars. He had it all figured out. His wife quickly asked me if I were interested in that for which she was beseech­ ing the Lord. When I answered in the affirmative, she declared w ith a laugh, “I’m praying he won’t get the boat. If he does, it'll mean no time on Sunday for the Lord’s work!” She was a wise woman. A college freshman told me that she would like,

Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens.


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