Leadership in Action - English - 202004

of where we are in life – whether we are young, middle-aged, or getting old – if we are alive, we have opportunity. That opportunity will not be there forever. Time itself has its ways of consuming opportunity. Therefore, when an opportunity presents itself, if we decide to pursue that opportunity, we should do so wholeheartedly, with enthusiasm and with focus. What we focus on today will determine our tomorrow. Those who focus on why they can’t do something will never learn that they can. Those who focus on the obstacle will never find there is a way around it. Those who focus on changing the rules will never learn to play the game. Likewise, those who focus on doing what they know is right will never experience disliking themselves. Those who focus on winning will never be stopped by defeat; even if they lose a battle or two, they will almost certainly win the war. Our happiness, our success, and our future depend on what we spend our time thinking about and working on. When things are not going well in our lives, we would be wise to take a minute, step back, and analyze how we have been spending our time and what we are allowing our minds to focus on. We can get past almost any hardship or almost any challenge by focusing our minds on those things that will cause us to move ahead, to seek out the positives of the situation, to choose to be happy, to look on the bright side, and to be involved only in those activities that are conducive to success and moving ahead.

We at Melaleuca are focused on providing an opportunity for people to get ahead in life. It is our hope to free people from the limitations of not enough time and not enough money. We are grateful for those who have joined us in this endeavor. We encourage people to take charge of their lives and take action to turn their dreams into reality. That process always begins with taking charge of our lives and our minds and focusing on productive thoughts and activities. Our future really does depend on our focus! It is our hope that our Marketing Executives and our customers get everything that they want out of life. Therefore, we hope that you will be able to focus on those things that will bring you and your family great happiness and joy.

side of all situations are those who are not only the happiest, but also the most successful in all aspects of their lives. There are so many opportunities that are available to us with regard to how we spend our time and what we choose to focus on – yet, because time is limited, we cannot choose all opportunities at once. We can do only one thing at a time. Choosing one opportunity limits us from choosing others, so we must choose wisely. Those who choose to seek success, whether in business or any other aspect of their lives, would be well served to focus on the key factors that bring that success. For example, in a Melaleuca business, those key factors are clearly defined. They are called the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities. Focusing on those activities – particularly building a contact list, making phone calls, and presenting Overviews – has been shown time and again to yield success. In building a Melaleuca business, it is so easy to get distracted and caught up in so-called daily “personal activity” that does not include building a contact list, making approaches, or presenting Overviews. It is easy to get involved with other types of “personal activity” that are just a waste of time and energy. When we veer off course, we must discipline ourselves to get back on course. Setting appointments and presenting Overviews. That’s what counts. Whatever we focus on, on a day-to- day basis, ultimately consumes our time and therefore limits us from doing other things with that time. Regardless

Our Future Depends on Our Focus!


Where we end up in life depends largely on our focus. As mortal beings, we have many physical limitations: we cannot be everywhere at once, we cannot see everything from where we stand, we cannot do more than one thing at a time. We are limited by our health, our knowledge, our faith, our money (or lack of it), and our time. Yet we also have endless opportunities! There are so many wonderful paths that we can take, so many options and so many decisions – endless opportunities! Life is so precious! Time is so precious; it seems to fly by so quickly! In fact, time seems to be one of our greatest limitations. Although I believe that there will be a life after this life, I am quite certain that we will only pass through this life once. And since we can only do it once, it seems to me it is extremely important that we do it right, that we don’t make too many mistakes, and that we learn from those mistakes that we make. Therefore, it is important that we do not waste time and that we capitalize on the

thing at a time – in fact, many of us can only think of one thing at a time – our productivity, our personal growth, our happiness, and indeed our present well- being, as well as our future, depend on what our minds are focusing on at any given moment. It could easily be said that our future depends on our focus. We can choose to spend our time worrying, complaining, and wishing things were different. We can criticize, judge, or make excuses. Or we can choose to spend our time building, learning, creating, planning, and implementing. We have heard it said that a mind is a horrible thing to waste. Indeed, we can allow our minds to be totally wasted, depending on what we allow our minds to focus on. We cannot focus on productive things if we allow our minds to dwell on unproductive things. We have heard that our attitude will determine our altitude, and it has been my experience that those people who have control of their minds and direct their minds toward positive thinking and toward seeing the bright

opportunities that lie before us so that our life itself is not wasted. Since we are blessed to live in a free country, we can pretty much decide how to use our time – whether we waste it or whether we spend it productively. And since most of us can only do one “Because time is limited, we cannot choose all opportunities at once. Choosing one opportunity limits us from choosing others, so we must choose wisely. Those who choose to seek success, whether in business or any other aspect of their lives, would be well served to focus on the key factors that bring that success.”






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