Jagoda Nowaczyk United Kingdom
Izabela Zając United Kingdom
and making dreams come true. “Once my life was monotonous—work and manage the house, and this was my life day after day—without major plans or any prospects,” Jogoda says. “This changed when I saw how much I could achieve simply by helping others.” According to Jagoda, the key to success is the Melaleuca Mission Statement, which is to help others achieve their goals, and the unique products that should be in every home. Jagoda loves to work with those who want to help themselves and are willing to work—without excuses! She conducts meetings with customers and focuses primarily on helping and working with them. She tries to help new customers to choose the best products depending on their needs and is also engaged in conversations with new potential customers, answering all of their questions at any time. “I am grateful every day for what I have already achieved and for giving myself a chance for a peaceful life. I know that Melaleuca is the right company for me and my family for the rest of our lives,” Jagoda concludes.
“My life changed when I believed in this company and saw the opportunities it gives to improve the quality of every life.” “Why am I successful? First of all, my why still pushes me forward. I am also very motivated by the people who work with me. I think, ‘If they succeed, I will succeed too!’” Izabela’s strategy is to talk to her customers and to establish what is important to them and what they want to achieve with Melaleuca. This leads to a discussion of the action plan. Her teammates also know that they can count on her—when asked, she is always ready to help. “Building a Melaleuca business is very simple,” Izabela says. “By using products that improve your health, you can help others, and in addition to that, you can develop and start making your dreams come true. Your life can get better as soon as you start helping others.”
Jagoda is a mother of two wonderful babies: Mia and Gabriel. She has lived abroad for eight years, where she did mostly physical work. She came across Melaleuca by accident—thanks to her mother, who showed her products and the benefits of being a customer. “At first, I didn’t believe in the business, but I decided to become a customer and test the products. I didn’t risk anything because of the Customer Satisfaction Guarantee,” says Jagoda. On July 16, 2017, she decided that her life needed a change. New Senior Director 6 Jogoda Nowaczyk claims that her why is very simple: “My children are giving me my daily motivation and strength to fight for a better tomorrow. I do it primarily for them—to make it easier for them to start their adult life. In addition, I am aware that thanks to Melaleuca, I have a chance for a happy and independent life.” The largest check Jogoda has received so far is over 4500 pounds. Thanks to the decision she made, she no longer has to work full time, and she has time for her family and her little children, who need her the most now. Now she works from home, achieving her goals
In the three years spent in her Melaleuca business, Izabela’s why has evolved. She is still very motivated to build primarily because her business allows her to work and raise her son simultaneously. “Thanks to this company, I don’t have to work like most people,” she says. “I can watch my son grow up.” Moreover, being part of Melaleuca gives Izabela a chance to develop on many levels. She immeasurably enjoys helping others achieve their goals. “I want to help others so that as many people as possible have a chance to get to know the opportunities that Melaleuca gives us every day,” new Senior Director 3 Izabela says. Melaleuca has already changed the lives of many people. This is no different for Izabela, who also achieves her goals systematically. “The company has made me a more open, confident, and optimistic person. Thanks to Melaleuca, I have more opportunities. I can make my many dreams come true, such as traveling,” says Izabela. Her previous life was different. Previous workplaces did not give her such freedom, and it was possible to forget when and how to do things. “I was limited in time and had no satisfaction in my work,” emphasizes Izabela.
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