Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - May 2024

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MAY 2024


As the temperature rises and outdoor activities kick off, summer brings sunshine and a spike in personal injury incidents. Here at Friedman & Simon, we see a 10% uptick in cases this time of year, and in general, a recent study found that there is a 15% to 27% increase in visits to emergency rooms from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The season poses additional risks due to increased travel, various outdoor recreation, and significant changes in weather conditions. It’s crucial to be aware of the most common personal injury accidents during the summer to prepare for wherever your vacation or adventure takes you over the next few months. MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS With more people traveling for vacations, road trips, and outdoor activities, we typically see more motor vehicle accidents. There are more cars on the road and factors such as speeding, distracted driving, and alcohol impairment can cause these crashes. If you travel during the summer, you must be more attentive, avoid distractions, and obey the speed limits and traffic laws. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and always wear seat belts. BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS The beautiful Long Island summer weather often draws people outside to walk, jog, and ride their bicycles outdoors. As wonderful as that sunshine is, unfortunately, it can also result in an increase in accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians. While many pedestrian accidents are caused by drivers who disregard stop signs or traffic lights, we also see a fair number of accidents occur when a car makes a left or right turn at an intersection into the path of a pedestrian crossing. It’s essential to be aware of cars potentially coming from any direction. SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL ACCIDENTS Activities like hiking, camping, sports leagues, and outdoor games are popular this time of year. Due to their physical nature, they can lead to accidents and injuries. This can also be tricky to deal with in court if you sustain an injury. In some instances, participants in and spectators of sporting activities are barred from recovering money for their injuries due to the law of assumption of risk, which says that a participant or spectator assumes any known or obvious risk when they participate.

BARBECUE AND FIRE-RELATED ACCIDENTS Summer favorites — like grilling, campfires, and fireworks — spark a great time but can also pose safety risks. Accidents such as burns, fires, and explosions can occur due to mishandling grills, improper use of fireworks, or negligence around open flames. We recommend keeping grills, campfires, and fireworks away from flammable materials and structures. You must follow proper procedures for lighting and extinguishing fires and never leave them unattended. Keep a fire extinguisher or water source nearby in case of emergencies. OUTDOOR WORK ACCIDENTS Many outdoor jobs, such as construction, landscaping, and agriculture, see increased activity during the summer. Workers in these industries may face increased risks from falls and equipment accidents. Additionally, the warmer weather can cause more instances of heat- related illness like heat stroke or dehydration. New York has specific labor laws to protect workers injured in construction accidents. So, if you work outdoors during the summer, contact a lawyer if you’ve been involved in an accident on the job. SWIMMING AND WATER-RELATED ACCIDENTS This season, swimming pools, lakes, rivers, and beaches are popular destinations, leading to an increase in drownings, slips and falls around pools, diving accidents, and boating collisions. Children and inexperienced swimmers should always wear life jackets in and around the water to protect themselves. Drowning, in particular, is a leading cause of death for children, so it could be helpful to take swim lessons before a trip to the lake and ensure home pools are properly fenced.

The summer is a beautiful outdoor recreation and travel season, but being prepared and informed about the potential risks will make your

summer safe and memorable. Whether you’re planning an epic excursion or just planning for a pool party, make safety your focus.

- Roger Simon

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It doesn’t take a significant accident to cause serious physical injury that results in surgeries, high monetary costs, and interruption to your daily life. Even in low-impact car crashes where the vehicle seems fine, you may still be entitled to compensation for your injuries. This month, we successfully recovered $675,000 for our client, who required back surgery after being involved in a low-impact car accident, which resulted in minimal damage to her car. A low-impact car accident can result in injuries severe enough to require back surgery. Your spine is particularly vulnerable in car accidents, even those that don’t cause significant impact. Whiplash, for example, can cause sudden and forceful movement of the neck and spine, potentially leading to damage that requires surgical intervention. Some symptoms are headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, and even sleep issues. Injuries such as herniated discs, spinal fractures, or nerve compression can occur even in low-impact accidents, especially if you already have pre-existing conditions that make you more susceptible to injury. If conservative treatments like physical therapy and medication don’t alleviate the symptoms, surgery may be considered to repair or stabilize the affected area of the spine. It’s important to note that not all back injuries resulting from car accidents require surgery, and every case is unique. The decision to undergo surgery is made in consultation with medical professionals, considering the specific circumstances and severity of the injury. In this case, despite the minimal impact and minor car damage, we successfully established that the accident caused our client’s back injury and need for surgery. Our client was able to get their care covered and get back on the path of healing. HOW MINOR CAR ACCIDENTS CAN LEAD TO MAJOR SURGERIES Small Impact, Big Consequences

Successful marketing campaigns require an understanding of the human condition and effective strategies. These seven marketing secrets will aid you on your journey to build brand awareness and make impactful conversions. TARGET AUDIENCE Market to the audience most likely to buy your products and return. But if your target audience is “everyone,” reconsider. When you try to market to “everyone,” you dilute your message. Narrowing it down allows you to focus. IDEAL CUSTOMERAAVATAR (ICA) An ICA is the person to whom you’re going to sell. Generally, you should know the following information about them: • Demographics: What’s their age, gender, and job title? • Location: Is your customer base in town, in-state, or international? • Psychographic: What are their values, political beliefs, and lifestyle? 7 Marketing Secrets Every Business Should Know

After determining how best to market to your ICA, put ads on their favorite blogs, social media sites, and media outlets.

BE THE SOLUTION Research customer challenges and develop a message emphasizing how buying your product will solve their problems. Provide evidence and explanations whenever possible to show you understand and relate to their issues. ‘MERE EXPOSURE EFFECT’ People tend to trust familiarity. If they keep coming back to their internet haunts and notice your brand repeatedly, they’re more likely to trust you and convert. Keep pushing those ads; you’ll build a loyal clientele over time. DO MORE Businesses often get discouraged when they start social media marketing to attract new leads without success. However, they can try posting multiple times every day, making a daily video, or using SEO more effectively. Developing a following takes time and perseverance. ‘RULE OF SEVEN’ Customers generally have an issue to solve or a pain point to alleviate by coming to your business. They will typically require seven touchpoints before making a purchase. So, optimize every moment of the customer journey. SELL BENEFITS The most successful marketing typically explains why potential customers need something, not what it is. It targets customers’ emotions because they compel action. Marketing is always challenging. However, you can always accomplish your marketing goals through a carefully structured approach leveraging these secrets.

If you are injured in a car accident, regardless of the severity of damage to your vehicle, contact Friedman & Simon today.


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into a proper factory in 1926, allowing them to create around a hundred shoes daily.

separate ways, Adi named the company Adi Dassler Adidas Sportschuhfabrik. He also registered the three-line logo later that year. Remarkably, his brother would form his own hugely successful shoe company, Puma. In 1954, the West German soccer team — which Adi was the official shoemaker for — competed for the World Cup on a rainy day and muddy field. After a fierce first half, Adi introduced revolutionary studded cleats. Due to the added traction, the West Germans won. In 1952, Adi introduced the sports bag. The company subsequently released a multitude of sportswear, all bearing the familiar three-line logo. These offerings were an instant success. By the 1960s, Adidas was a successful international company. It was the largest producer of sports shoes. Adi invented nylon soles, replaceable cleats, rubberized sandals, warmup suits, and more. Adi Dassler died in 1978. From his start as a cobbler, he left an incredible legacy of design, ambition, and resolve.

The Story of Adidas and Adi Dassler

Adi strongly supported athlete sponsorships, and it was those sponsorships that propelled his shoes to the spotlight. In the Summer Olympics 1936, Adi gave German runner Lina Radke a pair of his six-spiked track shoes. Radke won the gold medal in the 800-meter run. The Olympics gambit paid off. They started submitting international patents while Adi continued to design innovative shoes. Since then, numerous Olympic athletes, including the runner Jesse Owens, have sported Dassler shoes. WWII proved a pivotal time for the Dasslers. Nazism had substantial implications for every business operating in Germany. The military conscripted both Adi and Rudolph, but the Dassler company survived. However, it didn’t survive the countless disagreements between Adi and Rudolph.

Adidas is one of the world’s most recognizable brands. Their logo is on shoes and sportswear across every continent. Like many worldwide brands, Adidas had humble origins. Adolf “Adi” Dassler laid the foundation for Adidas in his mother’s washroom in Bavaria, Germany. The young Dassler cobbled and repaired shoes using materials scavenged from WWI battlefields, as resources were scarce in postwar Germany. A passionate athlete himself, Dassler dreamed of creating the finest sports shoe imaginable. Adi and his brother Rudolph created the Dassler Brothers Sport Shoe Factory, having grown too big for their washroom workshop. They hired dozens of employees and expanded

The Adidas name we know today was created in 1949. When Rudolph and Adi went their


Grilled Red Curry Beef Satay With Peanut Sauce Inspired by

Ingredients • 1 1/2 lb flank steak • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk • 2 tbsp lime juice • 1–3 tbsp Thai red curry paste • 1 tbsp fish sauce

For sauce: • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk • 1–2 tbsp Thai red curry paste • 1 tbsp brown sugar • 1 tbsp fish sauce • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter • 1 tbsp lime juice


1. Freeze flank steak for 30 minutes. Cut crosswise, against the grain, into thin slices. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together coconut milk, lime juice, curry paste, and fish sauce. Add steak and toss to coat. Cover and chill for 8 hours. 3. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine coconut milk, curry paste, brown sugar, and fish sauce. Bring to a gentle boil for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add peanut butter and stir until well blended. Remove from heat and add lime juice. 4. Thread the marinated meat onto 12 long skewers. Grill until beef is medium rare, 1–2 minutes per side. 5. Transfer satay to a platter and serve with peanut sauce.

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390 N. Broadway, #210 Jericho, NY 11753



Friedman & Simon’s Guide to Safe Summer Fun Marketing Secrets to Stay Ahead of the Curve How We Recovered $675,000 for a Client’s Surgery Adi Dassler’s 3 Stripes Legacy Grilled Red Curry Beef Satay With Peanut Sauce Marie Curie: A Pioneer’s Spirit




Marie Curie, born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, left an undeniable mark on the scientific world. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to receive Nobel Prizes in two scientific fields. Her groundbreaking work in physics and chemistry reshaped our understanding of the universe at large and paved the way for future generations of women in science. Born Marya Sklodowska, she was the daughter of teachers and was curious from a young age. She worked as a governess for her sister as she pursued her doctoral career in Paris. She was determined to channel her curiosity into higher education, though women were not encouraged to attend school, especially in science. But in 1891, she followed her sister and moved to Paris to

attend school in Sorbonne, where she met and married Pierre Curie, a fellow scientist who became a lifelong collaborator. In 1903, she won her first Nobel Prize alongside her husband and Henri Becquerel for their research on radioactivity. The recognition became historic, not just for Curie but for all women. This win challenged the prevailing belief that women couldn’t be real scientists. It was the first of many accomplishments to improve gender equality for the masses. Madame Curie, unfortunately, lost her collaborator and husband in a road accident in 1906. She took her late husband’s position as chair of the physics department at the Sorbonne and continued as a single mother of two daughters. Just five years later, in

1911, Curie secured her second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry. She discovered radium and polonium, two elements that significantly advanced our understanding of radioactivity, further cementing that women could succeed in science. Her extensive exposure to radiation throughout her career took a heavy toll on Curie’s health. She passed away from leukemia in 1934 after helping allied efforts in the First World War. Her pioneering spirit, dedication to research, unyielding perseverance, and intellect continue to inspire countless scientists today, especially women in STEM. Madame Curie will always be remembered as a symbol of scientific excellence and the relentless pursuit of knowledge for the greater good.


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