Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - May 2024

It doesn’t take a significant accident to cause serious physical injury that results in surgeries, high monetary costs, and interruption to your daily life. Even in low-impact car crashes where the vehicle seems fine, you may still be entitled to compensation for your injuries. This month, we successfully recovered $675,000 for our client, who required back surgery after being involved in a low-impact car accident, which resulted in minimal damage to her car. A low-impact car accident can result in injuries severe enough to require back surgery. Your spine is particularly vulnerable in car accidents, even those that don’t cause significant impact. Whiplash, for example, can cause sudden and forceful movement of the neck and spine, potentially leading to damage that requires surgical intervention. Some symptoms are headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, and even sleep issues. Injuries such as herniated discs, spinal fractures, or nerve compression can occur even in low-impact accidents, especially if you already have pre-existing conditions that make you more susceptible to injury. If conservative treatments like physical therapy and medication don’t alleviate the symptoms, surgery may be considered to repair or stabilize the affected area of the spine. It’s important to note that not all back injuries resulting from car accidents require surgery, and every case is unique. The decision to undergo surgery is made in consultation with medical professionals, considering the specific circumstances and severity of the injury. In this case, despite the minimal impact and minor car damage, we successfully established that the accident caused our client’s back injury and need for surgery. Our client was able to get their care covered and get back on the path of healing. HOW MINOR CAR ACCIDENTS CAN LEAD TO MAJOR SURGERIES Small Impact, Big Consequences

Successful marketing campaigns require an understanding of the human condition and effective strategies. These seven marketing secrets will aid you on your journey to build brand awareness and make impactful conversions. TARGET AUDIENCE Market to the audience most likely to buy your products and return. But if your target audience is “everyone,” reconsider. When you try to market to “everyone,” you dilute your message. Narrowing it down allows you to focus. IDEAL CUSTOMERAAVATAR (ICA) An ICA is the person to whom you’re going to sell. Generally, you should know the following information about them: • Demographics: What’s their age, gender, and job title? • Location: Is your customer base in town, in-state, or international? • Psychographic: What are their values, political beliefs, and lifestyle? 7 Marketing Secrets Every Business Should Know

After determining how best to market to your ICA, put ads on their favorite blogs, social media sites, and media outlets.

BE THE SOLUTION Research customer challenges and develop a message emphasizing how buying your product will solve their problems. Provide evidence and explanations whenever possible to show you understand and relate to their issues. ‘MERE EXPOSURE EFFECT’ People tend to trust familiarity. If they keep coming back to their internet haunts and notice your brand repeatedly, they’re more likely to trust you and convert. Keep pushing those ads; you’ll build a loyal clientele over time. DO MORE Businesses often get discouraged when they start social media marketing to attract new leads without success. However, they can try posting multiple times every day, making a daily video, or using SEO more effectively. Developing a following takes time and perseverance. ‘RULE OF SEVEN’ Customers generally have an issue to solve or a pain point to alleviate by coming to your business. They will typically require seven touchpoints before making a purchase. So, optimize every moment of the customer journey. SELL BENEFITS The most successful marketing typically explains why potential customers need something, not what it is. It targets customers’ emotions because they compel action. Marketing is always challenging. However, you can always accomplish your marketing goals through a carefully structured approach leveraging these secrets.

If you are injured in a car accident, regardless of the severity of damage to your vehicle, contact Friedman & Simon today.


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