Biennials and Spring Perennials 2020-2021 | SC

Our Biennial and Spring Perennial assortment has a proven track record which we continue to strengthen and prepare it further for the future

Speaking about the future brings us as well to our new Pol- linator concept. In recent years, pollinators have been thre- atened by a combination of factors, among which habitat loss and urbanization have played an important part. It’s time to take action! One way to help increase the pollinator richness in urban areas is planting pollinator attracting species and varieties in gardens and public spaces. Our assortment has been carefully tested by an independent trialing station on their attractiveness to pollinating insects. The Syngenta Flowers pollinator friendly varieties are marked with a bee icon to easily identify them. Another outstanding introduction in our assortment are the Deltini Trio mixes. We have already tested a lot of different combinations in the past few years and we are happy to

introduce them now within one plug. We have with Delti- ni such a good genetic that we can guarantee 100% Trio young plants. The uniformity in growth and flowering time is first in class. Next to our novelties in Biennials we have also interesting new varieties in the Spring Perennial range. We want to hig- hlight our new Goldiphlox which should get your attention. Two till three weeks earlier then traditional varieties it is very early and rich flowering. We hope you will be inspired by both our Biennials and Spring Perennials program and know that we are here to support you in a successful growing season!

The Syngenta Flowers Team


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