2023/2024 deBoulle Magazine


de Boulle throws an event about more than horology TIME FOR HER


n October 2022, de Boulle had the distinct honor of hosting a very special event cele- brating women and craft. The occasion? Marveling at the spectacular ladies’ timepieces of legendary watchmak- er Patek Phillipe. The setting? The stylish Joule hotel in downtown Dallas.

their hosts, the entire Boulle family: Denis, Karen, Nick and Emma.

Beyond the Boulles were displays of watch models that combine function with beauty — something that Patek Philippe has mastered for women who are intrigued as much by fine complications as they are by beautiful appearances. One collection showcased was the famous Patek Philippe Ladies’ Twenty~4. Created in 1999, the Twenty~4 epito- mizes timeless feminine elegance. Dedicated to an active and modern woman, this timepiece was conceived to fit in with every moment of her life. Proposed in dia- mond-set rose gold or stainless-steel versions, it is the

Accessed via a private glass elevator, The Terrace at The Joule boasts exciting views of the sky above and the street below (Main Street, to be exact). It was the perfect place for such an elegant affair, having both alfresco and glass-enclosed spaces. As guests arrived on The Terrace, they were greeted by flowers — and more flowers — and


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