Year End Issue 2023

Special Advertising Feature

Special Advertising Feature

Tamarack Offers a Welcoming Community Where a Sense of Freedom Prevails, And the Possibilities Are as Vast as the Surroundings America’s only ski, golf and lake resort

November and haven’t yet tried

downhill mountain biking, but he looks

forward to that adventure in the next

couple years.

“We also spend a lot of time on

the lake, fishing and jumping off the

lake bridge,” he said. “We take the

side by side up through the trails, with

our favorite ride being No Business

Lookout, for the most beautiful view of

year-round fun,” said Gordy Hansen,

Life in the mountains of Idaho is a tale

the valley and nearby mountain ranges.”

Valley County resident and owner of

of distinct seasons—each magical and

Luckily DeLaet and other residents

Idaho Water Sports. “Tamarack is like

each with its own unique attractions.

don’t have to pick favorites when

a local guide who knows just how to

With the Earth tilted in just the

considering the winter and summer

match you up with a perfect activity.”

right direction for the sun to bathe

faces of Tamarack.

“Snow skiing is one of my favorite

The Village of Tamarack, the luxury

“What I have found is that no matter

leisure activities, and I look forward

community, just 90 minutes from

their passion, there isn’t a bad time to

to skiing with friends and family at

Boise, is home to a summer festival of

experience Tamarack,” Turlington said.

Tamarack,” Hansen said. “After snow

elite golf, hiking, off-roading, biking and

Bruce Charlton, president and chief

“I love the flow and feel of one of

skiing, I love wake surfing—and the

water sports.

design officer for Robert Trent Jones

the best blue ski runs in the nation—

resort’s marina is a gateway to a large

When Idaho’s peaceful weather

II LLC, which designed the newly

Bliss,” he added. “It’s just more than

lake with spectacular views.”

cools and winter graces the landscape,

renovated Osprey Meadows course on

2.5 miles long from top to bottom.

“I would say the number of

Tamarack takes on another distinct

the property, is more associated with

Then when summer arrives, you can

Tamarack residents who enjoy both

character and becomes a beautiful

Tamarack’s golf offerings—but knows

golf until 7 p.m., walk to the marina

golf and skiing is evenly shared,”

realm of snow and ice, offering months

skiing forges a significant portion

from the pro shop and get in your

Turlington said. The “universal thread”

of unrivaled winter sports. Residents

of The Village’s identity. “I believe

boat to go water skiing or wake

among Tamarack residents, he said,

devoted to both seasons’ activities call

that the sports of golf and skiing are

surfing on some of the best glass

“is their love for the natural beauty

Tamarack home.

similar in that all of the action is ‘self

found anywhere. Our family will

that exists here.”

Scott Turlington, Tamarack Resort’s

induced’ by the participant,” he said.

spend time on the lake until it’s dark,

Turlington added that each

president, makes sure to enjoy them

the year for me and my family. We

“In both sports, it is you against the

which is usually around 10 p.m. in

Tamarack resident and visitor has his


love the torchlight parade and cross-

course or you against the mountain.

the summertime.”

or her own motivations for coming to

“What is unique about Tamarack

country skiing in the moonlight.”

So, I would anticipate that at least

DeLaet sees plenty of positives in

the Idaho hideaway. He sees skiing

is all four seasons have their own

50% of the residents and visitors

both winter and summer, plus every

and wintertime motivating about half

distinct personalities,” he said. “We

enjoy both sports.”

month in between.

the residents, while golf, biking and

are truly the only ski, golf and lake

Tamarack is the all-season destination

As a former professional golfer,

“Winter is obviously great for

lake life driving the summer balance.

resort in the U.S.—and the seasons

to create memories that span

DeLaet sees the opening of Osprey

skiing, but also ice fishing and

“You don’t have to choose,” he said.

underscore that.”

generations. Be on the ground floor of

Meadows giving the summer season

snowmobiling,” he said. “The spring

Tamarack resident Graham DeLaet,

Turlington cited comfortable

experiencing a legacy in the making,

an edge in his heart.

is amazing because the lake is very

for one, is a former PGA Tour golfer

summer temperatures in the mid-

all while making yourself at home

“Osprey Meadows brings a whole

full, but it’s quiet and peaceful. The

whose family never lets any of

80s eventually giving way to the 300

surrounded by the magic of America’s

new aspect to summer activities,” he

summer is fun because there’s always

Tamarack’s seasonal offerings get

inches of snow the Tamarack region

only ski, golf & lake resort.

added. “Still, the magical thing about

people coming and going with a

away from them.

sees during the winter as measures

New homes and homesites are

the valley is that it truly is a four-

constant buzz around the resort. The

“We spend the winter mostly skiing

of how dramatically the personality of

available in some of Tamarack’s most

season playground. Depending on

fall is beautiful because it cools off,

at Tamarack,” DeLaet said. “Our kids

the community can change.

desirable neighborhoods. Aspen Glade

what you want to enjoy, there is a time

quiets down, and the tamaracks, [the

love the s’mores and campfire after

“Bike trails turn to ski runs, but the

Estates is over 50% sold out and The

of year to do it at Tamarack.”

tree for which the resort is names]

a day on the mountain—and my wife

end result is the same—pure bliss,” he

Village at Tamarack ski-in/ski-out

And the holidays are not-to-be-

turn yellow on the mountainside.”

and I usually enjoy an adult apres ski

said. “It’s a beautiful transformation to

residences are over 75% sold out.

missed, Hansen added. “The holiday

For those who like to be active

beverage somewhere in The Village.”

watch and participate in for all of us.”

Don’t miss your opportunity to own in

season is the most magical part of

outdoors, Tamarack ticks many boxes.

DeLaet’s twins will be 8 in

“I see Tamarack as my path for

Tamarack Resort.

The Mansion Global news organization was not involved in the creation of this content


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