Hola Sober August


"Sometimes a quote can hit you right in the gut and leave me speechless. In an instant, their words often articulate what I cannot put shape or words on. These are my wisdom teachers and I must choose to act upon what the gut punch has taught me or not. " - - Susan Christina Founder Hola Sober

Image Credit for Richard Wagamese The New York Times Please read the full article here

“Sometimes people just need to talk. They need to be heard. they need the validation of my time, my silence, my unspoken compassion. They don't need advice, sympathy or counselling. They need to hear the sound of their own voices speaking their own truths, articulating their own feelings, as those may be at a particular moment. Then, when they're finished, they simply need a nod of the head, a pat on the shoulder or a hug. I'm learning that sometimes silence really is golden, and that sometimes "Fuck, eh?" is as spiritual a thing as needs to be said.” - Richard Wagamese

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