Hola Sober August


When people visit Spain, one of the things I insist they buy is, Salt! Forget flamenco dresses and castanets, Salt, the only rock we eat, from the foodie Basque region is a wonder to cook with. The region's prized mineral, Añana salt is traditionally harvested from springs born of an ancient sea in El Valle Salado in the southwest corner of Basque Country. Añana flower salt , the delicate variety hand- harvested from the valley's surface during the evaporation process. Its flakes are Neon-white, flat like shale, and varied in size and a must- have staple in our family kitchen. Michelin-star Chefs all over the Basque country use it in their kitchens and for the foodies amongst you, Martín Berasategui, chef of his eponymous three-Michelin-starred restaurant in Lasarte, dubs Añana the "Rolls-Royce of salts," a sentiment many Basque chefs would agree with. The region's prized mineral, Añana salt is traditionally harvested from springs born of an ancient sea in El Valle Salado in the southwest corner of Basque Country. Añana flower salt, the delicate variety hand- harvested from the valley's surface during the evaporation process.

Season your food with this Basque piece of magic and see can your kitchen be transformed by this simple but vitally important ingredient!

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