By Denise Allison
The reality O wning and operating your own business is a lifestyle choice. It doesn’t matter what type of business you own, and it doesn’t matter if it’s big or small: the moment you decided to become a small business owner, your goal was to get more from life. You may have been motivated by survival (you needed money for food and shelter). You may have been seeking control over your own life (getting away from a world where others told you what to do and when to do it). Or you might have been driven by a burning need to make a difference. But regardless of your reason, it was that desire to get more from life that gave you the courage to act. That’s a big deal, because starting (or buying) a business takes a lot of courage. There’s a lot that could go wrong. For every business that survives, at least four will fail. But that doesn’t mean that you have a 20% chance of getting what you really want from your business. The odds are a lot smaller. That’s because so many small business owners settle. They figure out what they need to do to
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