
By Katie Davis D isney executives have been looking to make a change for well over a year now to their brick and mortar locations, with the precision of a remakes of classical movies Disney is starting to open newly redesigned retail stores promoting a stronger tie to its amusement parks and its media business- es in efforts to try and bring customers back to its stores. Newly designed stores will include live events streamed from Disney parks, interactive birthday celebrations to help build the association with fun and family. By building on the theme park feel, Disney plans to have carts selling mouse ears and cotton candy in their stores, similar to ones found at their amusement parks making your shopping experience more interactive and in line with the brand images. Do not think that these changes are only being revamped at the store level as Disney’s online shopping experience have also been revamped to feature more products for adults rather than just focusing on kids items with new brand offerings like Coach bags and Nixon watches.



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