By Katie Davis W ith recent news that the longest-serving host in U.S. late-night TV history, David Letterman is returning to the small screen for a six-episode series on Netflix that will feature in-depth interviews as well as segments outside of the studio in 2018, we thought what best then to do our own Top 10 Good Reasons why you should drink beer. SO HERE WE GO:
Can lower your bad cholesterol! The fiber found in beer can also help reduce your levels of LDL choles- terol, i.e. the “bad” type of cholesterol.
Will keep your kidneys healthy! Studies have dis- covered that beer is really good for your kidneys. In fact, each bottle of beer you drink reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%. Plus it keeps you running to the bathroom, which can be consid- ered exercise, which we all know is good for you. Will boost your memory! Beer drinkers are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia than non-beer drinkers. I can also guarantee your friends will remember when it is time for you to buy the next round that is for sure! Helps you fight stress! Researchers from the Uni- versity of Montreal found that two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety. Can reduce your risk of a heart attack! Beer drinkers have a 40 to 60 percent reduced risk of suffering a heart attack compared with non-beer drinkers. I guess they have not seen my bar bill from a night, as that has made my heart skip a beat or two, but as they say eating and drinking healthy does cost more. Will make your skin look more youthful and beau- tiful! Certain vitamins in beer can regenerate the skin and have a positive impact on pigmentation. Skin will become smoother, suppler and younger looking, especially on the people you are looking at while drinking, Thanks Beer!
Great in preventing blood clots! Ingredients found in beer help prevent blood clots from forming.
Can also increase your vitamin B levels! Beer contains several B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12). Research has shown that beer drinkers had 30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6 than non- beer drinkers. Beer also has generous source of vitamin B12.
For stronger bones! Studies have shown that the elevated levels of silicon in beer can actually contrib- ute to higher bone density in beer drinkers.
Great as a cure for insomnia! Add your own joke here. However, lactoflavin and nicotinic acid can promote sleep and you guessed it, they are found in beer.
Helps you fight stress! Researcher from the Universi- ty of Montreal found that two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety.
Cheers everyone!
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