
12B — January 13 - 26, 2017 — New Jersey — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


Commercial Real Estate Women of NJ NANCY ERICKSON, MBA Executive Managing Director Colliers International nancy.erickson@colliers.com Years of Hard Work Pay Off – SPCA – Golf - And the Good Life Nancy specializes in retail real estate brokerage. She represents property owners of shopping centers and mixed-use assets – including existing construction, new properties and MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Years of Hard Work Pay Off – SPCA – Golf - And the Good Life Nancy specializes in retail real estate brokerage. She represents property own- ers of shopping centers and mixed-use assets – including existing con- struction, new properties and repositioning’s – in single-site and portfolio assignments; and local and national tenants in their site selection, fran- chisee management, development planning, portfolio administration and lease negotiation activities. Nancy’s favorite deal is the one that is focused from beginning to end, and everyone is xcited as th paperwork is executed. Nancy’s undergraduate degree placed her at an engineering firm. From there she went to national construction management firms, and then architecture. She went on to get her MBA from Monmouth University, attending nights tri-semesters. Ultimately, while she was on the Board of CoreNet NYC, GVAWilliams approached her to become a broker handling International client relations. She then spent twelve years at Cushman & Wakefield before landing right back at Colliers (w ich in the interim had acquired GVA). Proof of how small this industry is! Nancy earne the Highest-Earning Director award while she w s at Cushman &Wakefield. Words of Wisdom from Nancy • Your personal and business life will blend greatly, so make good friends. It’s good business. • Network a lot early on, so later you can ride on the reputation you have earned. • Years of hard work pay ff – today I can ch ose the clients I work with as a result. Nancy has found that if you join one club that really interests you – rather than throwing yourself into a dozen organizations – you can become a part of what that group represents. For her, that club is CREW. “CREW is an amazing organization with professionals that may only see each other monthly quarterly or yearly – but when we are in the same room guards are down and sharing is free. I have been exposed to so many different aspects of the real estate profession at CREW, and the resulting knowledge has been really valuable. I I had to chang on thing, I think it would be nice to see more developer and end- users at our ev nt.” Nancy likes to g lf, go biking and does boot camp and exercises regu- larly, and she has amazing friends and family. At the end of the long days of work in this industry, more than anything, she loves spending time with her husband and their two rescue dogs. Those three fill her life with smiles every day. repositioning’s – in single-site and portfolio assignments; and local and national tenants in their site selection, franchisee management, development planning, portfolio administration and lease negotiation activities. Nancy’s favorite deal is the one that is focused from beginning to end, and everyone is excited as the paperwork is executed. Nancy’s undergraduate degree placed her at an engineering firm. From there she went to national construction management firms, and then architecture. She went on to get her MBA from Monmouth University, attendi g nights tri-semesters. Ultimately, while she was on the Board of CoreNet NYC, GVA Will ams appr a hed her to become a broker handling International client relations. She then spent twelve years at Cushman & Wakefield before landing right back at Colliers (which in the interim had acquired GVA). Proof of how small this industry is! Nancy earned the Highest-Earning Director award while she was at Cushman & Wakefield. Words of Wisdom from Nancy  Your personal and business life will blend greatly, so make good friends. It’s good business.  Network a lot early on, so later you can ride on the reputation you have earned.  Years of hard work pay off – today I can choose the clients I work with as a result. Nancy has found that if you join one club that really interests you – rather than throwing yourself into a dozen organizations – you can become a part of what that group represents. For her, that club is CREW. “CREW is an amazing organization with professionals that may only see each other monthly quarterly or yearly – but when we are in the same room guards are down and sharing is free. I have been exposed to so many different aspects of the real estate profession at CREW, and the resulting knowledge has been really valuable. If I had to change one thing, I think it would be nice to see more developers and end- users at our event.” Nancy likes to golf, go biking and does boot camp and exercises regularly, and she has amazing friends and family. At the end of the long days of work in this industry, more than anything, she loves spending time with her husband and their two rescue dogs. Those three fill her life with smiles every day. August, 2016 Member Spotlight By: Janet StraightArrow, Zwiren Title Agency, Inc.

2017 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Diane Menard, Prestige Title Agency, Inc. diane.menard@prestigetitle.net PRESIDENT-ELECT Jennifer Mazawey, Esq., Genova Burns jmazawey@genovaburns.com TREASURER Tara Del Gavio, CPA, CohnReznick tara.delgavio@cohnreznick.com SECRETARY Lisa Moving, LEEDAP, Turner Construction Co. lmoving@tcco.com DIRECTOR Susan C. Karp, Esq., Cole Schotz skarp@coleschotz.com DIRECTOR Monica J. Ceres, Esq., Giordano Halleran & Ciesla mceres@ghclaw.com DIRECTOR - COMMUNITY SERVICE Dawn Johnson, Tyco SimplexGrinnell dawjohnson@simplexgrinnell.com DIRECTOR - MEMBERSHIP Krista Korinis, Global Installation Resources, LLC kkorinis@gi-resources.com DIRECTOR - PROGRAMS Tara Carver, Esq., Giordano Halleran & Ciesla P.C. tphelancarver@ghclaw.com DIRECTOR - PUBLIC RELATIONS Colleen Logan, Sobel & Co., LLC colleen.logan@sobel-cpa.com DIRECTOR - SPECIAL EVENTS Perry Cirigliano, Patcraft Commercial Carpet perry.cirigliano@patcraft.com DIRECTOR - SPONSORSHIP Elisa Louise Buckley, Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc. ebuckley@langan.com DIRECTOR - SPONSORSHIP Paula Zwiren, Esq., Zwiren Title Agency, Inc paula@zwirentitle.com www.crewnj.org

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