NSLHD News May 31

Bolstering our research capability through collaboration A new research seminar series launches this week to strengthen our research

expertise across the Northern Sydney Local Health District. The monthly series is a key initiative of the new Kolling Institute Research Strategy, aimed at expanding research opportunities, capability and innovation. The Kolling’s Acting Executive Director Professor Jim Elliott said the seminars will have a focus on networking, collaboration and career pathways, and will provide a forum for researchers, clinicians and the community to discuss joint opportunities and offer peer support. “This is an important new series which will feature national and international speakers, as well as early and mid-career researchers,” he said.

collaborative projects, which take advantage of particular strengths from teams, individuals and organisations.” NSLHD physiotherapist Dr Sally Wootton and Associate Professor Zoe Mckeough will present at the first event, discussing their unique project to support people with chronic respiratory disease with a home-based rehabilitation program. This successful collaboration, between NSLHD and the

University of Sydney, is providing evidenced-based healthcare through new technology to people who can’t access this support. The inaugural Kolling Research Seminar will be held on Tuesday 1 June at the Kolling Institute, Kerry Goulston room, Level 5 from 12-1pm. If you can’t join in person, please log on via https://

“The seminars will highlight the significant benefits of uni-sydney.zoom. us/j/89806713032 New medical imaging system launches in district Ryde, Hornsby and Mona Vale hospitals have gone live with the Radiology RIS-PACS go live at Hornsby Hospital

Information System and Picture Archiving and Communication System (RIS-PACS) solution. The tool allows medical imaging departments to manage their services, including enhanced diagnostic services, with easy and quick access to images and results, allowing clinicians to make timely decisions regarding patient care. “I am incredibly proud of the work that has been done by the district teams, it has been a incredible collaborative team effort across the two districts, eHealth NSW and vendor teams” A/Director Information Communications & Technology, Ann Mirapuri said. “The feedback has been very positive and I know the team has worked hard to get the three sites up and running in the same period.”

Royal North Shore Hospital will be the final site to go live on Tuesday 1 June. For more information, please visit the RIS- PACS intranet page, or for those requiring assistance, please call 9926 4600 during the first two weeks of go-live.



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