


OBSERVATIONS The City of DeSoto has a strong history of presenting cultural programs for the public and has consistently provided grants to applicants soliciting funding to produce arts activities. Compared to suburban Texas cities of like-size, DeSoto’s arts funding commitment is strong. Given the uncertainty of the effects of COVID-19 on Hotel Occupancy Tax receipts in the coming years, area cities have already begun to limit the number and size of city-produced arts programs. Likewise, City governments have reduced the amount of funds projected to be available for arts grant-making through 2022. The next two years offers the City of DeSoto new opportunities for allocating anticipated arts dollars to focus on building the sector, attracting artists to work in DeSoto and reshaping the policies and practices associated with grant-making. The recommendations that follow may be viewed as temporary measures that could lead to new ways of doing business for the Arts Commission and open new opportunities for experimental service delivery models.

Local Arts Agency Model

Guardians of the public trust

Grant makers and grant seekers

Advocates for the arts

DeSoto Arts Commission

Guides process for aesthetics to the city

Provides space for people to gather


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