" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4 r / & 8 4 EXTRA COVID RULES FOR LARGE RETAILERS STEPHEN JEFFERY stephen.jeffery@eap.on.ca
BAZINET RÉÉLU À LA PRÉSIDENCE DU CSDCEO François Bazinet a été réélu sans opposition au poste de président du Conseil scolaire de district catho- lique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO) le 1 er décembre dernier lors de la séance annuelle d’organisation. *MTBHJUEVODJORVJÍNFNBOEBUÆMB QSÊTJEFODFEV$4%$&0QPVS.#B[JOFU qui représente les municipalités de %VOEBT/PSE 4UPSNPOU/PSEFU3VT - sell. François Bazinet, dont le nouveau mandat prendra fin en décembre 2021, VWSFEBOT MFNJMJFVEF MÊEVDBUJPO EFQVJTBOTFUFOQPMJUJRVFTDPMBJSF depuis 2010. Pour sa part, Martial Levac a été élu TBOTPQQPTJUJPOÆ MB WJDFQSÊTJEFODF Martial Levac agit comme conseiller scolaire depuis plus de 19 ans. Il repré- TFOUFMFTNVOJDJQBMJUÊTEF-B/BUJPOFU de Casselman. « Représenter nos communautés sco- laires est un honneur et un privilège pour tous les conseillers et les conseillères
Retail and grocery stores with multiple departments face new measures to control customer numbers under a new regional health order. In addition to controlling numbers of pa- trons inside a store, retailers will be required to post and enforce a maximum number of patrons for each individual department. The Section 22 order came into force on Saturday, December 19 from 12.01 a.m. BGUFSOVNFSPVTDPNQMBJOUTUPUIF&BTUFSO 0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 BCPVUJOBEFRVBUF line and crowd control inside large multi- departmental stores. It was made before the province was expected to announce a province-wide lockdown beginning on $ISJTUNBT&WF Medical Officer of Health Dr. Paul Rou- meliotis said the new rules would help limit overcrowding in specific sections of stores, such as the grocery or pharmacy areas. Business owners would be required to post signs clearly showing the capacity of each department, while reminding patrons either gathering together or walking against the flow of directional arrows of the rules. The maximum number of patrons was to be determined by the square footage available to customers inside a department, as well as the number of staff available to enforce capacity limits. Dr. Roumeliotis said UIF&0)6BOEPUIFSFOGPSDFNFOUBHFODJFT would boost inspections of retailers. i8JUIIPMJEBZTIPQQJOH XFSFTFFJOHMBSHF crowds in many stores, which increases the risk of exposure to COVID-19 at this critical time,” he said. “Putting measures in place to prevent spread of COVID-19 also protects our local businesses by helping us avoid business closures, a last resort to control the spread of the virus.” Lockdown imminent At time of publication on Monday, the &0)6XBTFYQFDUFEUPKPJOUIFSFTUPGTPV - thern Ontario in a 28-day lockdown from BNPO$ISJTUNBT&WF5IFPSEFSXBT expected to introduce lockdown conditions similar to those during the first wave of the virus in March. Prior to the lockdown announcement, UIF&0)6IBESFNBJOFEJOUIFPSBOHFiSFT - USJDUu [POFPG UIFQSPWJODFTDPMPVSDPEFE framework.
Les magasins à grande surface doivent suivre les règles en lien avec la capacité maximale tel que décrété par le Bureau de santé de l’est ontarien. — photo tirée d’une banque d’images (Pexels, Anna Svetz)
EV$4%$&0 BMBODÊ'SBOÉPJT#B[JOFU -ÊEVDBUJPO DBUIPMJRVFEF MB MBOHVF GSBOÉBJTF OPVT UJFOU Æ DVS /PVT sommes fiers des réussites de nos élèves. Les stratégies pédagogiques, étroitement liées aux objectifs ciblés du Plan stratégique 2016-2020 Réussite et Performance, font en sorte que les ÊMÍWFTEV$4%$&0SÊVTTJTTFOUNJFVY que jamais et obtiennent le meilleur taux de diplomation de Stormont, Dun- das, Glengarry, Prescott et Russell. Ces réussites sont rendues possibles HSÄDFÆVOFDPMMBCPSBUJPOÊUSPJUFBWFD les écoles, les parents et les commu- nautés », a-t-il conclu. —Rédaction EAP François Bazinet —archives
Outbreaks The Prescott and Russell Residence outbreak remained stable as of Friday, with no changes in numbers in recent days. &JHIUZàWFPGUIFSFTJEFOUDBTFTIBE been resolved, as had 67 of the 68 staff cases. Fifteen deaths at the residence have been attributed to COVID since the outbreak began in October. Two other outbreaks – at Valoris Resi- dence in Hammond and Champlain Long- 5FSN$BSF JO-0SJHOBMm SFQPSUFEDBTFT in staff members only, with no residents testing positive so far. Testing continued at the two sites. An outbreak continued at École élémen- taire catholique Saint-Isidore, with cases in
four students and one staff member. Other school cases included four students at École élémentaire catholique Saint-Viateur, and one case each at École élémentaire DBUIPMJRVF&NCSVO 1BW4BJOU+FBO1BW La Croisée, École élémentaire publique De la Rivière Castor, and Mother Teresa &MFNFOUBSZ4DIPPM The region As the 292 active cases reported in the &0)6BSFBPO'SJEBZBGUFSOPPO XFSF in Prescott-Russell communities, including: 35 in Russell; 29 in Casselman; 27 in The /BUJPO JO$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE JO Hawkesbury; 10 in Alfred and Plantagenet; and 6 in Champlain. There are no reported DBTFTJO&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ
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