M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Fall Preview — September 17 - October 21, 2021 — 15C
T echnology
By Cathy Dolan-Schweitzer, Health Well Done Healthy Citizen has become a C-Suite topic
eople play a big role in keeping our country and economy strong
60% of leaders now indicate that they feel “used up” at the end of every workday, a strong
is a leaders ability to demon- strate empathy and connection with their teams on a more
skills and using people cen- tered solutions to help them pivot and focus on all three of these issues: building talent, closing the technology knowl- edge gap, and reducing burn- out. Skills such as coaching take us out of our comfort zone and helps to pinpoint areas of development. On the other hand, empathy helps to foster a healthy coaching culture in the workplace which allows for team members and team leaders to work collaboratively. Skillsets learned to develop good people centered leader-
ship and coaching cultures are skills that have just recently become a lot more attractive to leaders searching to better their teams. A people centered approach can help you custom- ize the future programs to meet your own needs. Cathy Dolan-Schweitzer, aka the Healthy Project Coach, is the president and expert behind Health Well Done and the author of Health Well Done, A Peo- ple-Centered Management Guide to Building Health- care Environments. MAREJ
and healthy. Regardless of career path, what is es- sential for all of us is cre- at ing more healthy, cre- a t i ve , and i nno v a t i v e leaders who
The C-suite is realizing the benefits of focusing on the importance of healthy citizens and building it into their strategic vision for the future of work.
indicator of burnout. The most critical risk of exhaustion is re- tention. If you are not a “touchy feely” leader you might want to revisit that as the number one factor that influences burnout
human level. However, only 18% of leaders felt confident in helping team members avoid burnout. The successful C-suites lead- ers are rapidly learning new
Cathy Dolan-Schweitzer
then create better and health- ier environments and products for working, living, and play- ing. The C-suite is realizing the benefits of focusing on the importance of healthy citizens and building it into their stra- tegic vision for the future of work. Cultural attitudes have shifted, and continue to shift, toward the idea that healthy citizens are our best asset. According to DDI 2021Global Leadership Forecast (DDI 2021 GLF) leaders are facing problems building talent, tech- nological knowledge gap and burnout. How can CEOs drive their strategies forward and position their organizations for future success if they don’t have top talent and healthy leaders? Only one in three leaders (DDI 2021 GLF) are effective at building talent but the leaders who are succeeding now are those who have been able to rapidly learn new skills and change. Building the next generation of leaders has a more “Touchy feely” approach as this group is looking for more coaching and feedback from their managers. They want help growing their communication and interac- tion skills. They are looking for better inclusion and diversity from their organizations, this group craves clear direction, connection and want flexibility built into their work practices which include mobile solutions and collaboration. Technology has a “Watch the technology gap” warning all over it as digital acumen is a significant predictor not only for digital transformation readiness, but also for innova- tion and responding to the com- petitive environment. One in five leaders rated themselves as effective in leading virtual teams which affects influenc - ing others. Only 19% of CEO’ feel prepared for digital trans- formation. (DDI 2021 GLF) The “Energizer bunny” Lead- er energy has taken a nosedive.
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