Aug 2018 Hospitality Review2 - Digital

Five ‘Smart Phone’ Secrets


Things I learned from Donald Trump

May I begin by telling I am not a Donald Trump fan or supporter. But, love him or hate him you have to accept that this entrepreneur is a phenomenon. “How do you define a phenomenon?”The dictionary says “A phenomenon a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.” As all of us in small businesses must necessarily be entrepreneurs, I think it is worthwhile analysing what Donald Trump does, how he does it, what works and what doesn’t.

1. What he does: He won the election in 2017 by being ‘different. ’All of the people who ran against Donald Trump were selling the same product. He told he wasn’t a professional politician. He was a successful businessman. But I thought the most successful ploy was pitching at the American ego with his “Let’s make America great again.” He is a polished showman. This comes from his fourteen season stint as the host on the Television program ‘The Apprentice.’ He understands what works particularly with Television audiences.

2. How he does it: He understands, better than any President before him, how to attract, garner and manipulate the media. He has made an art form of getting the media ‘off side’. He realises getting the media ‘off side’ generates much more media attention than being liked. A Harvard University report in May 2017 told of a study that analyzed The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,

The Washington Post and the main newscasts on CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Mr. Trump’s first 100 days. 80% was negative and 20% was positive.


What works: Trump is is a 72 year old man who recognises the benefits of Social Media...especially Twitter. According to the very first tweet sent by Donald Trump was in May 2009. That was nine years ago. Since then, he has posted a total of 37,600 tweets, according to his Twitter profile. That works out to about 4,178 per year and 11 to 12 per day. He has 52.3 million Twitter followers and it is claimed he writes all his own Tweets. This has been disputed as it has been claimed that Dan Scavino, the White House Director of Social Media, may be responsible for many of the Tweets. If Scavino does write many of the Tweets the learning curve for us is to ‘find someone to do our Tweets.’

4. What doesn’t work: When reading from the invisible teleprompter Trump destroys and demolishes the great work done by his speech writers. He loses credibility when he mangles the words and get the pausing wrong. (You realise it’s not him speaking). This is particularly evident when he goes ‘off script’ and stops reading from the teleprompter. His vocabulary is very limited and when ‘off script’ he falls back on his favourite words: stupid; weak; loser; moron; amazing; terrific and tremendous…and I seriously question the benefits of his often repeated boast “I am worth a tremendous amount of money.”

Whilst upsetting the media seems to have worked for Donald Trump, up until this time, I think it’s a bit like taking on the Ocean. It’s too big, too deep, too strong and will drown you in the end. But the ‘take away points’ for us mere mortal entrepreneurs are (a) Be different from your competitors (b) Get good at appearing in the media and (2) Get good at using Social Media.

By line: At you will find tips, tricks and tonics to help you become a super Hospitality Industry professional. You will also find details of a series of eBooks titled “How To Develop A Memory Like An Elephant.”

August 2018


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