
Seven unisex gift ideas

3. A gift card: restaurants, movie theatres, bookstores, public markets, outdoor shops, gas stations. For kids 4. A gender-neutral gift: a medical kit, a construction set, bath toys, a rattle, a stuffed animal, a ball — if you avoid gender-specific colours (like pink and blue), there are many toys available to please both girls and boys! princesses and knights in shining armour! Choose a story that can be enjoyed by all children, regardless of gender. 6. A puzzle: animals, kids playing, cartoon characters — you’ll find a plethora of puzzles featuring gender- neutral images. 5. A book: not every book is about

many of which are suitable for a large demographic, from kindergarteners to working adults.

Are you looking for ideas for a gift ex- change or a baby on the way whose sex remains a mystery? Perhaps you simply wish to avoid falling into stereotypical gender traps. In any case, here are seven suggestions that anyone can appreciate to help you get inspired! For adults 1. A mouth-watering gift: fine chocolates, aromatic coffee, kettle corn, locally made jams — there’s a tasty treat out there for every palate! 2. A practical gift: a travel mug, a set of knives, a cozy blanket, a calendar, a notebook — if you opt for neutral colours and motifs, there are tons of useful gadgets to choose from for every personality type!

For everyone 7. A board game: there are store shelves filled with board games for all ages,

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