Larceny/Theft Offenses Larceny/Theft increased 5.3% with 4,898 offenses in Fourth Quarter 2024 compared to 4,650 offenses in Fourth Quarter 2023. There were increases in Pocket - picking and Purse Snatching, Theft from Coin - Operated Machine or Device, Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories, and All Other Larceny. There was a decrease in Theft from Building.
Pocket-picking & Purse-snatching
Increased 21.1% from 38 to 46 offenses
Increased 0.5% from 754 to 758 offenses
Theft from Building
Decreased 44% from 25 to 14 offenses
Theft from Coin-Operated Machine or Device
Increased 14.3% from 7 to 8 offenses
Total Larceny/Theft Offenses in the 4th Quarter of 2024
Theft from Motor Vehicle
Decreased 0.3% from 1,464 to 1,459 offenses
Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories
Increased 126.7% from 45 to 102 offenses
All Other Larceny
Increased 8.4% from 2,317 to 2,511 offenses
Robbery Offenses
Robbery offenses increased 14.4% in Fourth Quarter 2024 compared to Fourth Quarter 2023.
Robbery detectives utilize resources within the FBI Task Force, U.S. Marshal Service, Intel Unit, Crime Stoppers, and the Crime Analysis Unit to develop leads. Social media and e - commerce transactions have led to several individual robberies. The Robbery Unit utilizes news media, social media, and Neighborhood Police Officers to remind the community who engage in online sales to remain aware of their surroundings and highly encourage the use of the following City of Fort Worth e - commerce trade site locations.
E - commerce trade site locations:
Please call the numbers listed to verify if the lobby is open .
• Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex – 505 W. Felix St. Lobby open Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. (817) 392 - 4200
Northwest Division – 4651 N. Main St. Lobby open Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. (817) 392 - 4600 East Division – 1100 Nashville Ave. Lobby open Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. (817) 392 - 4640
South Division – 3501 W. Risinger Rd. Lobby open Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. (817) 392 - 3400
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2024 4th Quarter Crime Report
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