2024 4th Quarter Crime Report_rev

Department Initiatives

Sgt. Billy Randolph Portrait Ceremony On November 4, FWPD held a portrait unveiling ceremony in honor of fallen Sergeant Billy Randolph, badge #2797, from South Division. The ceremony recognized his service to the country as a United States Air Force Veteran and 29 years of dedicated service to the department, and his impact on the community. His portrait was added to the Fallen Officers Memorial at Bob Bolen Training Building. Forever in our hearts. 40th Annual National Night Out National Night Out celebrated 40 years partnership between police departments and neighborhood associations on October 1. More than 30 neighborhood associations participated in the event where Chief Neil Noakes, McGruff, Crime Prevention Spe- cialists, Executive Staff, Neighborhood Police Officers (NPOs), SWAT, Mounted Patrol, and City Council members were in attendance across the city. Fun was had by all. On December 20, FWPD hosted a graduation ceremony for Lateral Enforcement Officer Class 10. The class added 32 experienced officers to the force. Welcome to FWPD! FWPD Lateral Class 10 Graduation FWPD held a graduation ceremony for the Citizens Police Acad- emy (CPA) for Class 63 on November 21. The CPA is a 13 - week program that provides participants an in - depth look at FWPD divisions such as Weapon ’ s Range, SWAT, Gang, Narcotics, Hu- man Trafficking, Crime Scene, Bike Teams, and Mounted Patrol. Citizens Police Academy Graduation

FWPD hosted and attended multiple community events during the past quarter. FWPD partnered with community leaders and businesses to provide residents with opportunities to gather together. Events included Kids vs. Cops at Prairie Vista Middle School for Drug Awareness Month, The Domestic Violence Buddy Drive for children, and Shop with a cop for Christmas gifts for area children. Community Events

Kids vs. Cops at Prairie Vista Middle School

Domestic Violence Buddy Drive at Bob Bolen

Shop with a Cop at Walmart

2024 4th Quarter Crime Report


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